Hi all, haven't posted here in quite a while.
I recently came across a YT channel posting useful little tuts but when I went to their site they have links to 'their' FREE plugins such as 1001bit tools, TrueBend, Clothworks, Curviloft and others!
Before I post a link to the page would one of the admins prefer I DM it?

Best posts made by Paul Russam
Possible pirated extns
Latest posts made by Paul Russam
Possible pirated extns
Hi all, haven't posted here in quite a while.
I recently came across a YT channel posting useful little tuts but when I went to their site they have links to 'their' FREE plugins such as 1001bit tools, TrueBend, Clothworks, Curviloft and others!
Before I post a link to the page would one of the admins prefer I DM it? -
RE: Not posted here in quite a while - Here's what I'm doing now
This is WIP but as it now working I can show it off, there's a fair bit to do to the interface to make it pretty but its ok for now:
** Link removed as the project is now live and we don’t want odd emails going to the client **
3DVista has what they call Virtual Staging which enables you to place additional images as overlays. I've used it to enable the future homeowners to choose their floor/carpets etc.
You can switch rooms using the menu in the bottom left and then select the element you wish to change.The model has a crap load of tags and scenes as I need to knock out 49 panos which I then mask off to just the reqd overlay (eg 6x stair carpets) in Affinity Photo/Designer.
This will be one of 3 houses for this development so a total of 147 panos will eventually be rendered .... along with what I'd guess to be another 50% again due to amendments.
RE: Not posted here in quite a while - Here's what I'm doing now
Story time:
Last night I rendered the 49 panos of the 2nd house and spent most of the day painting the masking and then using it to isolate the floors, walls, cupboards etc.
At about 4pm my boss says “oh, and they’ve changed the doors to cream” so….
That’s the 49 of the 1st house and the 49 for the 2nd I rendered last night that all have to be re-rendered and re-processed and then the tour updated…. Fun fun fun …. Not -
RE: Need high quality tile texture with no copywriter issues
Another vote for SketchUp Texture Club, a wonderful resource and well worth the tiny fee. There are others but I almost always find what I want at STC.
If applicable, nearly all the materials come with bump, normal, displacement maps etc. there are some older materials that don’t but there’s a convenient button to filter the list(s) to only PBR’s (ones with the additional maps).
You also get access to a reasonable collection of whole room models such as kitchens, bedrooms etc. -
RE: Fast equirectangular (360x180) projection
I don’t know of a way to get a eq pano straight out of SU without rendering software but you could try this to convert the cube map you have to a eq.
https://360toolkit.co/convert-cubemap-to-spherical-equirectangularThe goto software is ptgui, it’s not free but there is a fully functioning version that watermarks the results
https://ptgui.com/Edit, I’ve just re-read what you wrote and you mention already having and not wanting a 3rd part converter … Opps, sorry
RE: Many projects
Nice set, what are you using to display the panos?
If you’re doing a load of panos it maybe worth looking at the likes of 3DVista. -
RE: View html for a web page on iPad
I’ve used SketchFab in the past … like so: https://skfb.ly/69nB6 or https://skfb.ly/68wS9
The process is damn simple:
- Export the model directly from with in SU.
Do a bit of editing in SketchFab such as adjusting some materials, setting environment etc.
Setup some view points
Once it’s ready you can embed it in a page, they even provided the embed code.
If you want to part with some subscription money then you can add animations, remove branding etc etc - Export the model directly from with in SU.
RE: View html for a web page on iPad
“There’s an app for that”
Try this: https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/view-source-html-javascript-and-css/id917660039
It works but it hasn’t been updated in 7 years so could get culled if Apple enact their ‘remove of not updated’ policy.There’s this one https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/source-3/id921385542
I’ve never used it and it’s not free.