Sketchup 8 v2 very very slow on iMac lion
Hi Driven and TIG,
Driven...I have since loaded on some basic plugins, but initially, the only plugins I was running were the native ones.
TIG...I'll download the update and report back.
The problems I'm having are: I have a small 6mb model that continues to rotate after I'm done and generally slow navigation. I should change my profile to show my new system which is 15" MacBook Pro, 2.2 GHz, i7 chip with AMD Radeon 512 MB HD 6750M GPU. I wonder if I should return this think for a better GPU..
Thanks for the quick reply...Ron
Edit..I can't access Materials. I see the folder under Google Sketchup 8, but it won't open while I'm in SU. I think an uninstall in is order here. This may be the solution.
Out of curiosity, have any of you experimented with the OpenGL settings in Preferences?
@dave r said:
Out of curiosity, have any of you experimented with the OpenGL settings in Preferences?
I have disabled and re-enabled Hardware Acceleration as well as Fast Feedback and don't sense any difference. I'm running 8.11751. It's just sluggish and not crisp like my old XP machine with Nvidea.
Edit: Sorry..disabling Hardware Acceleration has the expected effect of eliminating anti alias-ness, which is unacceptable.
Well, I don't know it it's related to the problem you're having but it would be worthwhile checking to see if the video card meets the System Requirements . Some of the problems mentioned in this thread sound like graphics issues.
@tig said:
The latest SUp v8M2 had some tweaks to make it compatible with OS Lion...
Are you using this version?Where would I find SU v8M2? In another thread, I gleaned that one should activate "Install Extension.." from the Preferences>Extension window, which I had already done. Is this what you're talking about?
You have V8M2, then, Ron.
The Preferences...'Install Extension...' tool is new to SUp v8M2, therefore having that shows us that you have the latest version.
I believe that there was considerable work behind the scenes before this version was released, directed at making it compatible with OS Lion, which was having issues with the previous version...
Any other Lion users having/not having issues ??
If not what have you '[re]set' to fix it ??? -
This is strange. I have been using a MBP for some time, however its running an nV grahpics card. I also tested an iMac last week using an ATI card and it worded well.
Just a stab in the dark! Would it be worth checking to see if your system needs some GC driver updates?
it sounds as if something is interfering with SU. cad imports have been known to bring SU to its knees quite often. anyway, in my opinion the way out is not go back to windows but perhaps install Snow Leopard, against which no one complains.
@mike: one cannot update or upgrade graphic cards on mac as in windows.
@mike lucey said:
This is strange. I have been using a MBP for some time, however its running an nV grahpics card. I also tested an iMac last week using an ATI card and it worded well.
Just a stab in the dark! Would it be worth checking to see if your system needs some GC driver updates?
Mike, do you remember what kind of ATI card the iMac had...or it's speed? I'm seriously thinking of upgrading my MBP to the next higher unit; one with a 1 GB card. It's not cheap ($400 more) but I may just go ahead.
My apparent lack of a Materials library is due to my inexperience with the interface. I get it now.
I'll check for GPU driver updates, but I think I'm good there. I haven't been here for years, so I appreciate knowing you guys are every bit as helpful as you've always been. What a great resource you are!
@tig said:
I believe that there was considerable work behind the scenes before this version was released, directed at making it compatible with OS Lion, which was having issues with the previous version...
Any other Lion users having/not having issues ??
If not what have you '[re]set' to fix it ???hey TIG,
the lion improvements in m2 weren't anything performance related per se..
the fixes were mainly to do with certain buttons/palettes etc not working properly but as far as actual drawing/navigation/etc speed, nothing was affected..dunno, i used lion while it was still in beta and sketchup has worked fine (even before m2 which fixed a couple of quirks)
[edit] the maintenance2 release notes at the following link will show the fixes specific to lion: -
I've been using SU on Lion for a while now and have no problems. My suggestion would be to open SU (a new file) and do some modeling to determine if it's SU or the file.
@Jeff I got the NVIDA 8800GT it works great thanks for your recommendation, the old card is fine but didn't want things to go bad.
@geewi00 that's a pretty sweet machine don't give up on it yet.
Not mac user and some of those posting above have more experience but, it is my understanding there are two SKU version for Lion released and the difference maybe how OpenGl is implemented. Do not blindly accept a new graphics driver up date before understanding what version you have and what version you are going too. See these links. ; ;
It seems to me Google should be asked the question ; "What version did you test to support SU8 M2?"
If you do not know what version of OpenGL you have check this link. They have an audit tool for testing you system and reporting what version is installed. .
it appears you will have to use the mac app store for this download. -
No, Mac1. There's only one SU8M2 for Mac and one SU8M2 for Windows.
@dave r said:
No, Mac1. There's only one SU8M2 for Mac and one SU8M2 for Windows.
No Dave not talking about SU . Suggest you read links I provided!
I have no idea what happened, but everything was working fine on the MBP. I now believe something was wrong with the file.
However, I returned the MBP and got a 21.5" iMac. 2.7 GHz, i5 quad with the 6770, 512 MB GPU. Wow, what a machine! I haven't had a desktop in decades and this is real treat for me. SU is blisteringly fast on this thing.