[Plugin] AreaTextTag
Thanks TIG, great plugin again.
I don't use area but it could be useful for tagging surfaces with any text.
So would it be possible to include a first choice in the settings yes or no as to "Automatic area". Yes would leave it as is, No would only put the area if <> is not erased or added, but if <> is erased then only the text is used (not automatically including the area).If you want me to code it in there I probably can. (it's not as obvious as I thought when I first looked, but it could be a good exercise for me)
I don't think you need to reinvent the wheel...
There is my 'old' 2dText which already lets you stick a piece of text onto any surface AND has far more control over its 'format' [height, color, etc], and it is fully 'editable' later, with a right-click Edit option... -
OK Thanks.
Indeed. I never realized 2D text was working like that as I usually only use the 2D tools in the top view.
Thanks for all.
Great job TIG,
Just checked it, really useful now..
Many thanks -
Thank you for sharing, TIG.
Very, very useful for me...
Is there a way to add multiple faces to get one total area? I see I can handily do multiple individuals to get multiple results...
@brookefox said:
Is there a way to add multiple faces to get one total area? I see I can handily do multiple individuals to get multiple results...
The areas of 'surfaces' made from faces with smoothed edges are reported as 'one' if the edges; visibility is 'off'.
You can of course report areas of selected/all tagged faces using a CSV file and the appropriate tool in the set...
Please read the notes... -
It's not so clear from your image what it is you are trying to tag...
If the boundary edges between two faces are 'smoothed' [and not visible] then the picked/selected area-tag reports the area of the 'surface' - i.e. the two combined faces - otherwise each face gets an individual area-tag.
If you want to show an area split into 'parcels' provided that the dividing lines don't split the face then the area-tag will refer to the underlying face. To stop the face splitting you could either leave a small gap in the line so there is no loop and therefore the face isn't split, or you could use a group to separate the 'dividing' lines from the face so that whilst the face might look like it was divided up it is not, OR draw two sets of faces - one set sub-divided and tagged individually and the other made as a copied group of faces on its own layer with dividing lines removed so there is one face to take the 'combined' tag... Also if you know the total area of a group of plots [found from a temporary outline say] you could add that to each tag's suffix - e.g. "Plot 1 <>\nof 12.3acres", "Plot 2 <>\nof 12.3acres" etc where each <> will contain the actual area, then if you adjust the dividing lines between plots an auto-recalc will adjust each plot's area but display the total consistently ?
You can export a CSV file listing areas-tags and any text you might associate with the area-tags to help identify them. The total is easily got for the area-tags in a column...
If it's a single face it gets one area-tag - delete the intervening edges if it's all coplanar.
If it's a single surface that's not coplanar you must 'smooth' the common edges between faces [not just 'hide' them] - i.e. with view>hidden-geometry 'on' use Erase+Ctrl. Then with view>hidden-geometry 'off' place an area-tag on one of the surface's faces - now it'll report the 'surface area' - i.e. the combined areas of all of the connected faces... -
If you use those accented characters in 'plain' Text does it then work OK ?
The tool should simply concatenate the same text/areas into one string...
Do you mean creating a text label through Tools > Text? If so then yes, accents are displayed just fine.
Here's v1.4 http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=373717#p373717
The correct interpretation of UTF8 accented characters etc in customized area-tags has now been resolved.
You have the area-tags inside a locked-group.
It [should***] only reports on tags in the active_context.
So unlocking the group and editing it should then produce the CSV...
***BUT it fails - I am investigating why...
If I explode the group the area-tags export OK, BUT I notice the Unicode accented-character errors recurring - so I'll fix that at the same time...
Watch for an update soon... -
Hi again,
I noticed the behaviour you described and was about to post about it when I saw your comment.
One more thing about the exported cvs file if I may: as you can see I am using the following structure for the labels: label name, a new line and the area. The exported cvs outputs exactly this, in the form of "LABEL NAME\n<>", which does not seem very clean. What I can do is run a "find and replace" operation for "\n<>" in LibreOffice and delete it, but imo it would be cleaner if that information was not in the cvs exported file.Thanks for looking into this.
@tig said:
Here's v1.4 http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=373717#p373717
The correct interpretation of UTF8 accented characters etc in customized area-tags has now been resolved.
Wow, that was quick and effective. Now it works beautifully, thanks a lot!
I am having some trouble exporting to cvs though, the only contents of the exported file is "LAYER,TEXT,PERIM,AREA,UNITS". Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but I think I have followed the instructions properly (save as and then export to cvs). I am attaching you the skp file used in my tests.
Here's v1.5 http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=373717#p373717
The CSV reporting is fixed - it now uses correctly accented UTF8 characters, and now reports Tags in the active context properly [so if they are inside a group edit that group before running the reporter].
It now also strips all '\n' from reported 'names'
It substitutes '/' if there is multi-line text, other than 'name\n<>' which becomes 'name' anyway, whereas 'name\nmore\n<>' becomes 'name / more' in the reported name.
If the name includes text other than '<>' then the '<>' is always omitted - so 'name <>' becomes 'name '.
However, a Tag with just a '<>' [or '<->'] is still reported as named '<>'. -
I just tested it and works perfectly, I wish I had a hat to take of to you. Thank you so much!