[Plugin] AreaTextTag
Thanks for your reply.
Su7 crashes when I select "add.... to selected faces" SU quits and a splashscreen pops up.
I was not awere of the "inside the group" feature.
You write that You have made a 'pro' version. Do you consider releasing a commerciel Pro version ?
When applying the plugin to a selection set, would it be possible to process softened meshes as single entities? Basically output the sum area of all sub faces in similar way to what sketchup contextual command does. It would be very useful as an option.
Many thanks -
@arqitect said:
When applying the plugin to a selection set, would it be possible to process softened meshes as single entities? Basically output the sum area of all sub faces in similar way to what Sketchup contextual command does. It would be very useful as an option.
Many thanks
It'd not be that easy to code in... I'll think about it... -
Here's v1.3 http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?p=373717#p373717
When the new additional current-setting - "Report 'Surface' Areas:" - is set to "Yes" then any Tag for a Face forming part of a 'Surface' [a mesh with soft edges] will report that Face's linked 'Surface' area, and not the area of just that Face itself: in any CSV report the area/perimeter of a Face's linked Surface will also be used, rather than the area/perimeter of that Face itself. -
Would it be possible to add the "generate faces via excel / csv" ? Maybe as an comercial plugin?
@jorgensen said:
Hi TIG, Would it be possible to add the "generate faces via excel / csv" ? Maybe as an commercial plugin? Thanks
My current toolset's code XLS>geom/geom>XLS toolset is subject to an NDA etc... BUT if you want to continue this discussion through PMs then I might be able to come up with something to suit you/others... -
Thanks TIG, great plugin again.
I don't use area but it could be useful for tagging surfaces with any text.
So would it be possible to include a first choice in the settings yes or no as to "Automatic area". Yes would leave it as is, No would only put the area if <> is not erased or added, but if <> is erased then only the text is used (not automatically including the area).If you want me to code it in there I probably can. (it's not as obvious as I thought when I first looked, but it could be a good exercise for me)
I don't think you need to reinvent the wheel...
There is my 'old' 2dText which already lets you stick a piece of text onto any surface AND has far more control over its 'format' [height, color, etc], and it is fully 'editable' later, with a right-click Edit option... -
OK Thanks.
Indeed. I never realized 2D text was working like that as I usually only use the 2D tools in the top view.
Thanks for all.
Great job TIG,
Just checked it, really useful now..
Many thanks -
Thank you for sharing, TIG.
Very, very useful for me...
Is there a way to add multiple faces to get one total area? I see I can handily do multiple individuals to get multiple results...
@brookefox said:
Is there a way to add multiple faces to get one total area? I see I can handily do multiple individuals to get multiple results...
The areas of 'surfaces' made from faces with smoothed edges are reported as 'one' if the edges; visibility is 'off'.
You can of course report areas of selected/all tagged faces using a CSV file and the appropriate tool in the set...
Please read the notes... -
It's not so clear from your image what it is you are trying to tag...
If the boundary edges between two faces are 'smoothed' [and not visible] then the picked/selected area-tag reports the area of the 'surface' - i.e. the two combined faces - otherwise each face gets an individual area-tag.
If you want to show an area split into 'parcels' provided that the dividing lines don't split the face then the area-tag will refer to the underlying face. To stop the face splitting you could either leave a small gap in the line so there is no loop and therefore the face isn't split, or you could use a group to separate the 'dividing' lines from the face so that whilst the face might look like it was divided up it is not, OR draw two sets of faces - one set sub-divided and tagged individually and the other made as a copied group of faces on its own layer with dividing lines removed so there is one face to take the 'combined' tag... Also if you know the total area of a group of plots [found from a temporary outline say] you could add that to each tag's suffix - e.g. "Plot 1 <>\nof 12.3acres", "Plot 2 <>\nof 12.3acres" etc where each <> will contain the actual area, then if you adjust the dividing lines between plots an auto-recalc will adjust each plot's area but display the total consistently ?
You can export a CSV file listing areas-tags and any text you might associate with the area-tags to help identify them. The total is easily got for the area-tags in a column...
If it's a single face it gets one area-tag - delete the intervening edges if it's all coplanar.
If it's a single surface that's not coplanar you must 'smooth' the common edges between faces [not just 'hide' them] - i.e. with view>hidden-geometry 'on' use Erase+Ctrl. Then with view>hidden-geometry 'off' place an area-tag on one of the surface's faces - now it'll report the 'surface area' - i.e. the combined areas of all of the connected faces... -
If you use those accented characters in 'plain' Text does it then work OK ?
The tool should simply concatenate the same text/areas into one string...
Do you mean creating a text label through Tools > Text? If so then yes, accents are displayed just fine.