SU 9 Wishlist
@escapeartist said:
@thomthom said:
Render plugin or normal SketchUp plugin tool?
I have yet to give up on a render exporter, they do consume memory like crazy though. As for "normal", do you mean stock or community created? I've had soap bubble, intersect and cleanup and a fw Of course, this occurrs on complex scenes and models.
hmm... you've had CleanUp run out of memory? How large models are we talking about here?
How much memory did SU consume before starting cleanup? How much did it consume while crashing?
(I wonder if it's CleanUp holding too much in cache while working, or if it's SU's undo stack eating up the memory. If it's the Undo stack then there's nothing I can do, but if it's CleanUp usage of variables, then I might be able to do something. But I'd have to be able to reproduce it.) -
@thomthom said:
hmm... you've had CleanUp run out of memory? How large models are we talking about here?
How much memory did SU consume before starting cleanup? How much did it consume while crashing?
(I wonder if it's CleanUp holding too much in cache while working, or if it's SU's undo stack eating up the memory. If it's the Undo stack then there's nothing I can do, but if it's CleanUp usage of variables, then I might be able to do something. But I'd have to be able to reproduce it.)Ah, wish I could help you out by handing you the model, but it's been a long while since I had the issue so I don't remember which model it was. Probably something with multiple surfaces using SD&S or some ivy. It was definitely a large/high poly model though.
@jgb said:
Here's one!
Maybe ThomThom (or somebody) has a tool for it, but I haven't seen it.
Make the "Select" tool a bit more selective; in optionally, selecting faces and edges that are only currently VISIBLE. ...
That's backface culling. Very useful, and I agree. I've lost count of the occasions where I've accidentally selected something behind the area I was working on, missed deselecting it and wound up deleting or otherwise nerfing my model. Sometimes if I'm lucky I'll be able to have caught it while it's undo-able, sometimes I wind up rebuilding a lot of my model. Somewhere I think I recall seeing a backface culling plugin, though...
Thom's Vertex Tools has 'Ignore Backfaces'.
Back to wish list
Native filleting tool or lozenge tool.
@unknownuser said:
Thom's Vertex Tools has 'Ignore Backfaces'.
It's not doing what's truly visible though. It acts like 3ds Max does with this feature. It just ignores entities who's normal is pointing away from camera. I has no awareness if another object is between it and the camera.
I tried real visibility checks - way to slow. -
I'm no expert at 3D programming, my programming skills are at least 30 years old, but to me "backface culling" as EscapeArtist terms it, should be not that much more complex than hidden face/line removal.
The general sweeping select collects everything in its' lasso. Then you do something akin to hidden line removal within the collection of elements, leaving only that which is visible. To me that should be relatively straight forward to implement.
@jgb said:
I'm no expert at 3D programming, my programming skills are at least 30 years old, but to me "backface culling" as EscapeArtist terms it, should be not that much more complex than hidden face/line removal.
The general sweeping select collects everything in its' lasso. Then you do something akin to hidden line removal within the collection of elements, leaving only that which is visible. To me that should be relatively straight forward to implement.
If there's a quick way to do this via the Ruby API I'd love to see it. But it might be something SketchUp would have to implement nativly...
@thomthom said:
If there's a quick way to do this via the Ruby API I'd love to see it. But it might be something SketchUp would have to implement nativly...
I honestly expect that to be the case, as HLR is a native function to 3D display. I doubt the Ruby API has the extents needed to get down to that level.
Ah well, maybe SU V17 judging how fast the SU team implements NIH (Not Invented Here) ideas.
Its actually a tough geometry problem.
You're basically having to check whether a given face is in the umbra of any other face wrt the camera view. With Faces that can have holes in them thats hard enough, but with materials on Faces that can have alpha textures of chicken wire on them, its even harder.
Some very cool work was done by the Hybrid guys in Helsinki on this. I'm not aware of any other tech that solves this in a general way.
I'd just love to see in the next release two very time saving improvements:
As I've already suggested here we need some option among the new released Solid Tools that let their operators (intersection, subtraction, union...) to be done "live", without losing component's identity. Somethig like what already happens with the cut opening's option within the components: As long as the component is stiched to a face it cuts a hole in it, then when the component is removed the hole disappear. Easy and terribly useful -
Expecially for architects, retriving tags from elements such doors, windows, rooms is extremaly important. Sketchup hasn't yet such a powerful tool. Yes, of course there is LO where you can finalize your drawing with all annotations and tags. But you have to do it manually and in some cases that means wasting tones of time. And if you then have to do some changes to your model? what happened to the already placed Layout tags? You need to remake and replace them completely. What about of an intelligent tag system instead? I love the dimensioning system of Sketchup. You pick the first point, then the second and your dymension automatically updates if a change in these two anchor points happens. Great! So you don't fear that if some change in the model occur you have to redimension your model entirely again. You focus only on the modeling! That's what a tag system should try to achive too. You pick a reference to the geometry in your model, then you freely place a tag linked with that reference and it updates automatically if any change should occur. This could be very useful for tagging doors and windows: you pick 2 reference points for the lenght and place a tag, then other 2 for the height and place the second tag. Than you make a component out of the window and the tags so that if the window changes, its tag changes automatically too. That would come in handy also for tagging window/floor surface ratios, voulume of rooms, length and surface of archs and vaults.
One example can explain better of thousand words how this two ideas combined together could benefit in terms of time saving.
Let's assume to create 5 windows in a wall. I create a window dynamic component with a couple of editable parameters such as height, lenght, number of frames and mullions... In the same component I put also the two tags for the lenght and the height of the window (as I explained above). Finally I assign to the component the propriety to "live" subtract solids. Than I copy the component 4x and that'all.
Any change in my dynamic component would immediatly affect the tag system and the "dynamic" subtract system of the "Live solid tools".I made a video trying to explain better what I mean. In this movie in which I used the Gaieus trick of duble nested cutting components remains however the problem of creating a hole in the back face of the wall without having to explode the dynamic component and losing therefore its editable references. That could be solved introducing some kind of "Live solid tools"!
You are on the same page as I!!! This is on top of my list of improvements that I will forward to Google for discussion. Live Boolean tools should be the obvious next step for Solid tools.....
hello everyone.
I'm a user of SU & VFSU for many years. Recently, i had a problem with a VFSU rendering coz VFB wont come out after i enter the render button. They said due SU is a 2GB application (or something like that) so, its very often to had that kind of problem coz the memory limitation (or also something like that)
I only had this kind of problem when my polygon counts reach at 1 million or 2 millions. So, who should i refer to? SU team? VFSU team? Nowadays every client wanted a rendered perspective.
So, my wishlist is :
Should SU teams & VFSU teams sit together and workout something? Coz truly i dont know anything bout the limitation of the software, so i wont request something like 64bit, 32bit..i dont care, even if 1bit application can solved that problem, i'm ok with it.
A faster exporting process (still image, animation & 3D model). Sometime i had an issue when i'm exporting a PNG files at 3k pixel with shadows & no edges line, it took more than 15mins just to get it done. But when i try to view the image, its like being chopped somehow.
RizArcDesign -
VfSU = V-Ray for SketchUp
@Aizen: with SU8M1 you can now use up to 4GB RAM if you have 64bit Windows and you have more than 4GB RAM.
@Thomas -
If I had only one wish, that would be to get
SU google HR department to hire Fredo,thom,TIG,Whaat
and perhaps a few more of our top plugin makers to
transform SU into something thrice as superior over 3dsmax.
@fuzzion said:
If I had only one wish, that would be to get
SU google HR department to hire Fredo,thom,TIG,Whaat
and perhaps a few more of our top plugin makers to
transform SU into something thrice as superior over 3dsmax.
You wouldn't be the first one to request that one, Josh.
We are hiring Software Engineers in Boulder , if you'd like to apply:
Come on John, most of us are architects and 3d modelers (sound familiar?
) turned software programmers - a far cry from a "software engineer". Working for the Google SketchUp team would be a dream job, but I fear I would not be versatile enough.
Though it won't keep me from applying
I think I also lack some of the required skills (not to speak about written qualifications) namely
- BS, MS, or PhD in Computer Science or related technical discipline (or equivalent)
- Extensive programming experience C++ or Java.
- Several years of large systems software development experience, or client application development
- Working knowledge of development tools on Windows, Mac OS X and / or Unix/Linux
- A solid foundation in computer science, with strong competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design
- Coding skills in Python or Javascript/AJAX, database design and SQL, and/or knowledge of TCP/IP and network programming are a plus
- Good knowledge of Web standards and protocols including Javascript, HTML, CSS, HTTP a plus