[Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
I am wondering if it would be possible to model hair over a head (A Makehuman -http://www.makehuman.org/- model, for example).
:+1: COOL PLUGIN :wink:
i need make good carpet with this plugin , but i dont have good setting for good carpet.
Thx really amazing
Does it work for version 6.4 pro? N
ever mind, just got the lastest version! Fantastic!
yes works with SU V6
incredible ... its real, fur in sketchup ... ... god job for author, thx
This changes the whole ballgame boys and girls.
When I modeled the dragonfly below a few months ago, I painstakingly modeled and 'hand placed' pretty much every hair. This plug-in will save me TONS of time next I need fine filaments or random leaves.
Thanks for sharing!
Did you model everything in SU?
Got a screenshot of the SU model in default colours?
Very great job.....
@thomthom said:
Did you model everything in SU?
Got a screenshot of the SU model in default colours?
Yes, all SU using Indigo. I posted it back in November.
@robert111 said:
i need make good carpet with this plugin , but i dont have good setting for good carpet.
I think it is a good tool for shaggy carpets:
I've made this one with that great plugin:
@tak2hata said:
assign fur_parameter to current material.
add ruby definition for any exporters.Thanks! Will certainly test it!
wow,Amazing plugin
It builds really fast. So efficient yet looks so good.
Kinda prefer to the displacement method. Trying to work with leaf (clipped) and arch at the mo to get a seed head on random stalks..
Just a quick instance and baked for 5mins. Thanks heaps solo.
Edit: Easy as! (maybe a bit too higher population of seed lol, too easy to get kinda carried away)
Another 5mins
A bit taxing with the clipping otherwise effective....
Rendered using thea... -
Those grassland/prairie scenes look nice.
Yeah that praire grass is amazing, would love to see your settings for that!
Would it be possible to have it make "guide hairs" that external renderers then could fill the inbetweens with a preset number of strands without bogging down SketchUp? Thats how most fur solutions work in other apps AFAIK.
Another possibility is to be able to "style/comb" the guide hairs/strands.
Maybe with splines as guides and Thomthoms coming vertex edit plugin?
(A "Combing" function request, Thomthom.)Edit, splines CAN be used as fur if you make it a component instance. But that way you'll edit all strands if you edit one. An option to use your own shape without it having to be a component maybe?
(I'm talking about guide strands here.)
Mate you can select the surface and make alternatives to fill the same space so that the components aren't all the same!