[Plugin] Make Fur v.2.1.0(20140323)
@richard said:
@solo said:
@unknownuser said:
can you give an option for either metric or imperial. Us 'Yanks' still use imperial
So do I, but us Yanks need to get our shit together and conform to the sensible universal system already, it's been far too long with our silly system.
Thoughts of the rest of the world exactly! Just for the life of me (us) cant see why the USA has held out adopting what is pretty much a world standard and a darn simple one! Things are so simple when divided by ten!
Oh, I agree 100%, but it's going to take more than just a few of us to enact that. Heck, I have hard enough time trying to understand why some of the municipalities we work in make decisions like they do.
This might make a good 'Corner Bar' topic to hash over.
Is there a way to delete or rename a preset?
I just saw that a fur_param.ini file is created when saving a preset.
I imagine changing the names around in the ini would do the trick. would be nice to be able to make the changes from within sketchup... -
I am wondering if it would be possible to model hair over a head (A Makehuman -http://www.makehuman.org/- model, for example).
:+1: COOL PLUGIN :wink:
i need make good carpet with this plugin , but i dont have good setting for good carpet.
Thx really amazing
Does it work for version 6.4 pro? N
ever mind, just got the lastest version! Fantastic!
yes works with SU V6
incredible ... its real, fur in sketchup ... ... god job for author, thx
This changes the whole ballgame boys and girls.
When I modeled the dragonfly below a few months ago, I painstakingly modeled and 'hand placed' pretty much every hair. This plug-in will save me TONS of time next I need fine filaments or random leaves.
Thanks for sharing!
Did you model everything in SU?
Got a screenshot of the SU model in default colours?
Very great job.....
@thomthom said:
Did you model everything in SU?
Got a screenshot of the SU model in default colours?
Yes, all SU using Indigo. I posted it back in November.
@robert111 said:
i need make good carpet with this plugin , but i dont have good setting for good carpet.
I think it is a good tool for shaggy carpets:
I've made this one with that great plugin:
@tak2hata said:
assign fur_parameter to current material.
add ruby definition for any exporters.Thanks! Will certainly test it!
wow,Amazing plugin
It builds really fast. So efficient yet looks so good.
Kinda prefer to the displacement method. Trying to work with leaf (clipped) and arch at the mo to get a seed head on random stalks..
Just a quick instance and baked for 5mins. Thanks heaps solo.
Edit: Easy as! (maybe a bit too higher population of seed lol, too easy to get kinda carried away)
Another 5mins
A bit taxing with the clipping otherwise effective....
Rendered using thea... -
Those grassland/prairie scenes look nice.
Yeah that praire grass is amazing, would love to see your settings for that!