⚠️ Important | Please update Libfredo to v15.1a for bugfixes associated to SketchUp 2025 and below Download

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  • RE: [Plugin] Triangulate Points

    Version 2.0 is available from the PluginsStore.
    It fixes issues with delauney3.rb using Constants in away that newer SketchUp versions Ruby chokes on, t also includes some tweaks of the main code - Layers v. Tags etc, and the RBZ is now signed...

    posted in Plugins
  • RE: [Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25

    How have you tried to install Libredo6 ?
    The two ways are:
    Download its RBZ from the PluginStore, then use the Extension manager to Install it. After that restart SketchUp to sync everything.
    Or use the SketchUcation toolset ExtensionStore dialog to find it, click to auto-install it - sidestepping the RBZ download. After that restart SketchUp to sync everything.
    You need the SketchUcation toolset installed for the SCF licensing etc - especially of many of Fredo's extensions.
    So I recommend you download its RBZ from the PluginStore, then use the Extension manager to Install it. After that restart SketchUp to sync everything.
    After that always use the ExtensionStore dialog to install future extensions - it's vital for licensing, but it offers lots of other perks too...

    posted in Plugins
  • RE: SubD examples and models

    Anticipation builds......🥁

    posted in SUbD
  • RE: Many projects

    That's a seriously large wardrobe! It could be a shop!

    Nice render too

    posted in Gallery
  • RE: [Plugin] 3D Text Editor

    I suspect you need to reinstall this extension [and perhaps some others?]
    Extensions don't automatically 'port' over from an earlier version of SketchUp when you install a newer one -
    although v2025 does have a new extension to let you do that -
    but it's not 100% foolproof, and reinstalling them manually does let you do some tidying up and housekeeping, to keep your extensions 'lean-and-mean'...

    posted in Plugins
  • RE: Eddie Jordan, F1 great.

    A huge presence in the paddock. Always enjoyed his mischief and getting rumours going.

    Gave Schumacher his first outing too. He’ll be missed.

    posted in Corner Bar
  • RE: [Plugin] SectionCutFace

    Please read its usage notes.
    You must have just one section-plane selected.
    The right-click menu then offers you the tool with options as appropriate.
    It does not appear in any other menus or have a toolbar...
    You need to read its usage notes to understand how it works and to get the results that suit you...

    posted in Plugins
  • RE: [Plugin] 3D Text Editor


    Basic 3dText is not 'editable', you need an extension like this -

    posted in Plugins
  • RE: Orgelf's works. second topic.

    I love your output. It’s pure thought to creation.

    posted in Gallery
  • RE: [Plugin] Pic2Shape - v1.1a - 20 Mar 25 (Image Contouring)

    Feel free to cannibalize parts of my ImageTrimmer, which smooths jaggedness...

    You pass the edges' collected vertex points, and set an epsilon factor... thus.

          ### epsilon is a float perhaps < 0.2 
          ### perhaps it's set by the user ? experiment for best default...
          ### the vertices are collected from the current outline[s]
          points = vertices.collect{|v| v.position }
          simplified_curve = douglas_peucker(points, epsilon) ### might return []
          simplified_curve << simplified_curve[0] if simplified_curve[0]  ### so it 'loops'
          edges = some_entities.add_curve(simplified_curve) if simplified_curve[0]
          ### sort out edges' faces, hide edges etc as desired

    the 'douglas_peucker()' method is this...

      ### http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramer-Douglas-Peucker_algorithm
      ### http://en.wiki.mcneel.com/default.aspx/McNeel/
      def douglas_peucker(points, epsilon)
        return points if points.length < 3
        ### Find the point with the maximum distance
        dmax = 0
        index = 0
        line = [points.first,  points.last]
        1.upto(points.length - 2) { |i|
           d = points[i].distance_to_line(line)
           if d > dmax
             index = i
             dmax = d
        ### If max distance is greater than epsilon, recursively simplify
        result = []
        if dmax >= epsilon
          ### Recursive call
          recResults1 = ImageTrimmer.douglas_peucker(points[0..index], epsilon)
          recResults2 = ImageTrimmer.douglas_peucker(points[index...points.length], epsilon)
          ### Build the result list
          result = recResults1[0...-1] + recResults2
          result = [points.first, points.last]
        return result
      end #def
    posted in Plugins
