lightings great, except the shadow from the tabe, probably the omni light. dosn't look like it should be there, if you can make the omni not cast shadows (not sure about vray)it would be much better.
love that glass.
lightings great, except the shadow from the tabe, probably the omni light. dosn't look like it should be there, if you can make the omni not cast shadows (not sure about vray)it would be much better.
love that glass.
thats awsome. one suggestion get rid of the blue sky, the render will look much nicer.
its like Google bought SK just because they could!?
i'm sure @Last would have been miles ahead by now
gotta check this out too.
list of cool free progs:
i was thinking for something like a car(magnet) rolling down a hill, where there are leaves(magnetic) so the leaves don't move(frozen) till the car comes into range. this could be sort of a fake wind simulation etc...
seems pretty sweet, but i'm getting alot of choppiness on my AMD4600+ dual with 2Gig of ram. and an nvidia 8600 512M. is this normal?
@tim danaher said:
@xrok1 said:
the thing i don't understand is that there are ump-teen 3d packages out there but somehow the elegant simplicity of SK seems to evade every other developer in the industry? nobody wants to make "another SK". i say please do, but finish the job, do it right.
There's 3DVia -- as to whether they're doing it 'right'...
3DVia is good for making paper dolls IMO, its been around a long time and hasn't really developed.
@unknownuser said:
We have no interest in "killing" it. On the contrary, we expect SketchUp and b3d to compliment each other
thats what we (I anyway) don't want, more complimentary software. gee, lets add one more step to our process
RE: frozen
when i drop the big sphere (magnet) through the small spheres (frozen/magnetic),which are not on the surface btw, i would expect them to react to the force being applied. i can't attach the .skp cause its 94 meg. but i can post a better example if its not clear.
P.S "magnetic" should be labeled ferrous it help keep things a little clearer.
is this most excellent tool still being developed?
i'd like to see the path follow option implemented as well
after reading your posts i did some experimenting and it turns out that i must have selected all then hide while inside the group. wierd, i wouldn't expect it to work that way.
thanks for the replies, that could've caught me again down the road cause i had no idea why it happened.
i noticed that when running a simulation if i zoom in and out with my mousewheel that sketchup changes to a bounding box display and suddenly the sim choppiness is gone and it runs smooth and fast. this also is the case when playing back a recorded sim.
two things come to mind 1) it could be good to have an option in SP to run sim and/or recording in bounding box display.
2) can someone tell me if i can force SK manualy into BB display?
btw i noticed that magnets don't effect frozen magnetics unless they come in contact. i think it would be nice if magnets "thawed" if you will, frozen magnets.
i think the script writers will stop when they find a SK killer, just like everyone else. SK is the prog we love to hate, its like our own child we overlook its flaws and and keep hoping it will grow up. the script writers are molding it into maturity, i think half of their efforts are just to show google what SK could and should be.
the thing i don't understand is that there are ump-teen 3d packages out there but somehow the elegant simplicity of SK seems to evade every other developer in the industry? nobody wants to make "another SK". i say please do, but finish the job, do it right. any developer please take SK loadup your favorite scripts play with it, see how it works, and how it dosn't; now don't go out and remake a 3Dmax or Silo or LW clone, make an SK clone, but fix it ,improve it, charge $295 for it ,then beat'em off with a stick and reserve my copy.
the sky really won't fall if someone goes head to head with SK as long as they do it right ,the customer base is already there just waiting.
remember one man made Moi3d to SK but nurb based)really nice program. i think an SK clone would be an easier task for talented people(s). (give it a try Whaat )
@unknownuser said:
While we do not have plans to incorporate dimensioning tools in bonzai, we will have these (like SketchUp and much more) in formZ 7.0.
ZWebTech Support
no dimensions = no sale
looks like this is a free?(light version) of form-z written to suck you into purchasing form-z when you realize that the option you most need aren't there until you upgrade to BonzaiPRO (form-z).
or is it just me? if you like this program get Moi3D you'll like that better, and he's not trying to sell you MoiPRO.
thanks for the (wierd) tip, worked like a charm.
that geometry is all in one (top level) group, the file only contains four groups, and the four groups all showed as visible in the outliner.
that screws with my mind
didn't show as hidden in outliner either.
or on right click, or in the menu when i clicked unhide all??
i finally exploded the group, right click, then unhide was availiable; regrouped.
looks like a bug, maybe someone could move this posting.
look at this picture, pay close attention to selected geometry and info box.
i can't get this unhidden no matter what i do, any ideas?
awsome plug, thankyou.
one suggestion, if i may, would be that the SP inspector window not open automatically every time i start SK or start a new file.
thanks again for a fun plugin