*Yawn* Alternatives to SketchUp
Well i download it, looks a lot like Sketchup. Was having all sorts of display problems because i had other programs running, once i quit the its a bit better. Finding the interface a bit awkward, i think that is why i did not like FormZ
Need to explore a bit more ...
D/L time has swollen to 3hrs, 47 min.
I vote we start a new thread to post observations.
I think Autodesk has taken some cues from Spaceclaim:
http://www.inventorfusion.com/ -
Google watch out!
For a modest mid figure 4 digit dollar amount (not including training or subscription), it can be yours.
nothing really comparable because more complex and thus diffcult to use but even though maybe interesting too:
Punch! ViaCAD f. OSX/Win (> U$ 100.-) : more CAD related w/o rendering stuff but w/ NURBS faces and volumes, bools, features & feature editing, history tree, model 2 sheet, 2D drafting, all common CAD interfaces, space mouse support, SU import and intelligent snaps as well as refering construction lines, upgrade path to more powerful product line. btw, formerly licencsed by IMSI for TurboCAD versions on Mac platform.
AutoDesSys Form•Z f. OSX/Win : mesh based editor incl. rendering
Norbert -
@plot-paris said:
but there are some things that look pretty impressive. when I look at certain 'reshape' tools, like the 'round-edges', the 'twist' or the 'bend function...
can be done w/ ViaCAD (ACIS kernel) w/o any probs too (and more)... but w/o any crashes.
Norb. -
@chango70 said:
I am looking forward to SU8 even more now.
...in 1 or 2 years?!?
this had to be in skp7 after this long time - either with sub-d or nurbs...
@plot-paris said:
...are they using some sort of auto-subdivide or are all objects built of NURBS?
...yes nurbs at work
its like Google bought SK just because they could!?
i'm sure @Last would have been miles ahead by now
Well, except they wouldn't because @Last probably would have just sold it to the next highest bidder. I think they needed the financial support. If Autodesk or any of the other big players had bought SU, I doubt we would have ever have seen Sketchup again, there certainly wouldn't be a free version.
@linea said:
Well, except they wouldn't because @Last probably would have just sold it to the next highest bidder. I think they needed the financial support. If Autodesk or any of the other big players had bought SU, I doubt we would have ever have seen Sketchup again, there certainly wouldn't be a free version.
You are right. In that perspective , Google isn't that bad. At least Sketchup is still alive (sort of).
I do miss the @last era though. having a Jim Holman around, listening to the users needs. -
AutoCAD 2010 wants to be Sketchup, scary