Bonzai 3D First Impressions
It appears to be form•Z in new knickers.
Seriously, it looks like the same app... a million different ways to draw a spline... working planes, all the floating palettes re the same.
I thought it was meant to be something new...
No mouse navigation and KRASH
Just like FZ A PIA -
@andriyg81 said:
I mean we have to enable compatibility mode in order to make it work in Vista. In software that came out in 2009, Ouch
This struck me as odd as well.
In any case, as Lewis said, this one isn't ready for prime time yet.
Anyone else hoping MoI will have layers real soon?
@unknownuser said:
Anyone else hoping MoI will have layers real soon?
For next release 2.0! Sure!
It will be the great news and will be some revolutionary than exist around
Can't give a date but must be this year -
Great. I don't use MoI that often, but every time I open it, I let out a sigh of relief. That Gibson fellow is doing a great job, IMO. Versatile, easy-to-use, fast and stable app he's got there. And he's done it all by himself - you paying attention, Google?
Mark my words: as soon as MoI got layers, I'm tossing SU in the bin. Yeah, I have been seeing a lot of eerie white screens lately. Raaaaaaaaah!
@unknownuser said:
as soon as MoI got layers, I'm tossing SU in the bin.
you wrong, they are completing as like two crazy kids of different families!
Pleasure to use them is something cool -
I could be wrong, true. Then again, Google could learn a thing or two from monsieur Gibson, n'est-ce pas, mon grand?
"Nurbz" is how Nurbs is spelled in lolspeak. Come on, any frequent visitor of knows that.
@unknownuser said:
While we do not have plans to incorporate dimensioning tools in bonzai, we will have these (like SketchUp and much more) in formZ 7.0.
ZWebTech Support
no dimensions = no sale
looks like this is a free?(light version) of form-z written to suck you into purchasing form-z when you realize that the option you most need aren't there until you upgrade to BonzaiPRO (form-z).
or is it just me? if you like this program get Moi3D you'll like that better, and he's not trying to sell you MoiPRO.
i think the script writers will stop when they find a SK killer, just like everyone else. SK is the prog we love to hate, its like our own child we overlook its flaws and and keep hoping it will grow up. the script writers are molding it into maturity, i think half of their efforts are just to show google what SK could and should be.
the thing i don't understand is that there are ump-teen 3d packages out there but somehow the elegant simplicity of SK seems to evade every other developer in the industry? nobody wants to make "another SK". i say please do, but finish the job, do it right. any developer please take SK loadup your favorite scripts play with it, see how it works, and how it dosn't; now don't go out and remake a 3Dmax or Silo or LW clone, make an SK clone, but fix it ,improve it, charge $295 for it ,then beat'em off with a stick and reserve my copy.
the sky really won't fall if someone goes head to head with SK as long as they do it right ,the customer base is already there just waiting.
remember one man made Moi3d to SK but nurb based)really nice program. i think an SK clone would be an easier task for talented people(s). (give it a try Whaat
Seems working only connected to the Net! Is that the same for you?
Oh, Geez. LoLspeak in my CAD programs. It's bad enough having twenty-pound black tomcats running around the home and office and making tasty snacks of expensive computer cables. Do they have to write computer programs now too? (That could explain a lot about Banzai, come to think of it.)
I am quite frustrated with Bonzai 3D. It has some nice ideas but it is just annoying to use.
Selections suck, why do you need 3 different tools? Work planes suck too. Some nice reshape tools i think Sketchup should have out of the box, the splines too, N-Loft i can't get do anything but sounds like what i have been wanting for ages. Really like the parametric stair objects but that is about it. Don't think i like anything else in this program. It definitely feels like an alpha version on Win, i bit better on the Mac.Sketchup still rules
@xrok1 said:
i think the script writers will stop when they find a SK killer, just like everyone else. SK is the prog we love to hate, its like our own child we overlook its flaws and and keep hoping it will grow up. the script writers are molding it into maturity, i think half of their efforts are just to show google what SK could and should be.
the thing i don't understand is that there are ump-teen 3d packages out there but somehow the elegant simplicity of SK seems to evade every other developer in the industry? nobody wants to make "another SK". i say please do, but finish the job, do it right. any developer please take SK loadup your favorite scripts play with it, see how it works, and how it dosn't; now don't go out and remake a 3Dmax or Silo or LW clone, make an SK clone, but fix it ,improve it, charge $295 for it ,then beat'em off with a stick and reserve my copy.
the sky really won't fall if someone goes head to head with SK as long as they do it right ,the customer base is already there just waiting.
remember one man made Moi3d to SK but nurb based)really nice program. i think an SK clone would be an easier task for talented people(s). (give it a try Whaat
Perhaps it just isnt that easy...
@linea said:
It is not in Autodesks interest to simplify the software, the elitism is part of the marketing strategy...
Wonderful quote...and oh so true.
@unknownuser said:
the thing i don't understand is that there are ump-teen 3d packages out there but somehow the elegant simplicity of SK seems to evade every other developer in the industry? nobody wants to make "another SK".
No they don't, because traditionally 3d modelling and cad has been a fairly elitist industry dominated by one or two monopolies. These monopolies keep their old-school customers happy, as they are the ones who can afford the software and the training (or can be bothered to read a manual as thick as a bible) so it keeps them useful in the industry, so long as they dismiss Sketchup and any other cheap upstarts. It is not in Autodesk's interests to simplify the software, the elitism is part of the marketing strategy. IMO
But Autodesk messed up with Autocad and suddenly they added push-pull and sketchy styles because they realised people wanted it. I'm sure they could have done it years ago but decided to keep it in the bag for as long as possible.
As xrok1 said --
This appears to be an attempt to get form•Z users in athe ground floor -- get them used to the form•Z way of doing things and then get them to buy what is the most overpriced modeller on the market these days.
It is, to all intents and purposes, form•Z. It's still based on the ACIS modelling libraries. I thought that it would be more along the lines of 3DVia -- a SketchUp clone.
Wow, I'm really missing the ability to pan & orbit with the mouse.
Has anyone found a way to edit derived surfaces after creation? I thought the generating spline was supposed to stay active? Maybe in the 'full' version.
Anyone found any shadow-casting capabilities yet?
And why can't we just download the videos and peruse them at our leisure?
@xrok1 said:
the thing i don't understand is that there are ump-teen 3d packages out there but somehow the elegant simplicity of SK seems to evade every other developer in the industry? nobody wants to make "another SK". i say please do, but finish the job, do it right.
There's 3DVia -- as to whether they're doing it 'right'...
I had a look at Bonzai3D - the beta version is still extremely beta (didn't manage to run it longer than 2 minutes without crashing; and only when using very basic tools).
graphic is very slow and choppy as well. by no means ready to be released yet.but there are some things that look pretty impressive. when I look at certain 'reshape' tools, like the 'round-edges', the 'twist' or the 'bend function... that quickly shows, how limited and slow SketchUp can be (what Bonzai3D does with one mouse-click would afford a lot of work and the use of several rubies).
how do they do it? are they using some sort of auto-subdivide or are all objects built of NURBS?
by the way. that is exactly how I would like a SketchUp-NURBS to work... -
Bonzai crashes every time at my first click in the viewport. Beta, I'd call it pre Alpha at the most.