This looks interesting, but none of the video links work for me either. The Documentation links work. I hope they can get the rest of the site up and running.
RE: RainBath City automation and climate change for SketchUp
RE: Draw on sandboxsurface
The Quickcard pdf documentation in the same post where you downloaded the script shows you where to install everything. Libfredo6.rb needs to be downloaded separately:
RE: [Solved] Plugins causing bugsplats
Thanks, Chris. Like I said, everything seems to be working since reinstalling 8. I didn't get any errors when I copied my plugins back into the new install. I'll reply back to this topic if I have any more similar troubles.
I received a PM from someone who explained that the errors I was getting can occur when SU is closed unexpectedly while Saving Toolbar Locations is in process, or when a bunch of plugins with toolbars are closed all at once - I guess by unloading them out of the directory(?). It's possible that the first is what happened to me today. 8 does seem picky and even a little sluggish on start-up and shut-down so maybe it was cranking away on something and I got impatient. Wouldn't be the first time.
RE: [Solved] Plugins causing bugsplats
Thanks Honolulu. I actually tried system restore first, but it was disabled on my machine for some reason...have to talk to our IT guy about why that was. I ended up doing a fresh install as you suggested. It still took a little work to get some of my settings back, but everything seems to be working again.
RE: [Solved] Plugins causing bugsplats
A little more on this...bigger problems than I first thought. If I open a skp by double clicking on it from the Desktop, I get a splat. If I open a blank drawing, no splat, but nothing in the File menu works...can't open or import any files, Get Location opens a blank screen, Print Preveiw causes a splat. All of the tools and plugins that I tried, worked fine. I did try my original plugin configuration with SU 7 and it works fine there; just not in 8.
RE: How to 'change Z' (as in elevation) or 'match Z'
Have you tried Drop from Smustard or Smartdrop
[Solved] Plugins causing bugsplats
Earlier today life was good until SU lost my toolbar positions. No big deal...Restore Tool Bar positions...and it reset them to something that wasn't at all familiar and then got stuck thinking about it. I had to shut down that non-responsive session, and upon reopening I got a bugsplat that I cannot resolve. It occurs immediately when SU starts up, most often before any toolsbars appear to load; sometimes after half a dozen are loaded.
Here's what I've tried...
- Uninstall Organizer.rb. No bugsplats, but I can't access over half my plugins.
- Discovered 4 folders that seem to be at issue. Uninstall those and no bugsplats, but again, lots of my plugins are gone.
- Narrowed down to 5 plugins that appear to cause problems: arc centerpoint finder, greeble2, shapebender, perpendicular face tools, and veritical line maker. If I install any of these scripts in the main plugin folder or a subfolder, I splat. (Sorry, Chris, they all seem to be yours.)
It's interesting to me that all of these were located originally in the same subfolder, but I had to uninstall and reload 3 other folders (about 20 plugins) to get to this point.
I was making changes to a few plugins this morning (not to any of these), but after I was done with that, everything was working with no errors or splats. I'm out of ideas. Chris (or anyone), do you have any suggestions for what else to try?
RE: Assistance with a massive project
Podium would probably be a good choice to render this scene. Podium actually has the ability to render each scene created during the animation. I am not familiar with Podium's camera path feature. AFAIK you will need to apply textures, as no renderer that I'm aware of can render blank (untextured) faces. If you are using components effectively the textures probably won't increase the file size substantially. You might try downloading a Podium trial and do some experiments on one of your previous models. If you need to animate elements of this design other than the camera, you should also check out SU Animate or Proper Animation.
Best of luck to you, and be sure to post the results here when you get the job finished.
RE: Have you built what you design in sketchup?
This is the first phase of a much larger downtown renovation plan. It was also my first project that went from SketchUp to construction. The caboose was removed late in the design process. The sidewalks in the foreground and bike trail on the right have since been completed, but I don't have a good photo. SU was used for conceptual design, and then exported to CAD for final CDs.
RE: Need Help Finding Old Ruby Plugin
Good to hear. I have the same problem...too many plugins that is. I actually went through my plugins folder before migrating it over to 8 to see what was in there....lots of buried treasures I'd forgotten about, and even some oldies back from SketchUp 4!
[edit] Ha! Just checked PageExim, and it was written for v4. Too funny.
RE: Need Help Finding Old Ruby Plugin
Yes, please post if you have problems. I just bid a job earlier today, in fact, and was assuming I'd be able to use that plugin. I hope for both our sakes that it's compatible.
RE: Need Help Finding Old Ruby Plugin
Hey Spence. I think you're looking for PageExIm. Get it at Smustard:
RE: AdBlock detected ?!
LOL. I thought that was my work's internet filter getting confused! SCF is one of the few sites that survived a recent crackdown on internet usage. I'd love to say it's because the information here is so valuable (which is absolutely is), but I think it was more of a fluke with our filtering software. Don't tell.
RE: Making Contours problem
I'm having a related problem. I imported a GE terrain, but when I use Create Contours it only contoured half the model. So I used Drape Cpoint and created a second surface with the Sandbox tools and ran Create Contours again. Same result. I also tried copying the Sandbox terrain to a new file and also tried again after smoothing. No change. I know there is Z data in the surface. Why won't it create contours there?
Problem solved, although it's an annoying solution. Apparently, Contour Maker won't make contours that are below the axis. A simple fix is to raise the GE terrain, make contours, and then move everything back down to its original location. Would a better solution be to try and modify MakeContour.rb or is this something better for Google to try and fix in the next update? -
RE: Line to road plugin
Wow, Chris, that's quite the public relations project. You are a brave man. Be sure to let us know how that turns out.
RE: 3D Basecamp 2010 Unconference Sessions
Yes, Rich understood; it was a feeble attempt at making a joke.
RE: 3D Basecamp 2010 Unconference Sessions
I had thought of that, but was hoping for some other magical way to get images. The lack of streetview and oblique photography is a big problem for the smaller communities where I do most of my work. I guess you and I will just have to wait until Google repositions some satellites for us. Do they have an application process?
RE: 3D Basecamp 2010 Unconference Sessions
Did anyone attend the Speed Modeling for Google Earth session? One of the notes says this:
"How to obtain imagery for models when building maker doesnโt have the coverage?"
I guess that was a question asked by one of the attendees, but no answer is given in the notes. Can anyone elaborate on how this was (or might have been) answered?