Sketchup 2016 Question:
Does anyone know how to eliminate the "merging multiple items might be slow" dialog box, aside from ceasing the attempt to merge multiple items?
Thank you!
Sketchup 2016 Question:
Does anyone know how to eliminate the "merging multiple items might be slow" dialog box, aside from ceasing the attempt to merge multiple items?
Thank you!
Is there a method to clear or delete folders from Favorites in the Components window, other than using the "Remove from Favorites" command in the "Details" pane?
I moved some component file folders to a different location, so the Favorites shortcuts to them in the Components window no longer work. I can't figure out how to get rid of those shortcuts.
Thank you!
Thank you pcmoor. I'll give that a try, although I wonder if the dynamic component formulas will function properly when I add the component level.
I created a layer named "X" and placed a specific sub-component on that layer with the objective of isolating it, using Scenes, when needed. Copies of this sub-component are created using the COPY attribute, based on changes in its parent component. Sketchup is creating those copies on Layer0 instead of X.
Is there a way to have those copies created to Layer X so that I don't have to place them there every time there's a change in the parent?
Thank you!
Thank you to everyone. Check out the finished product.
3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp.
You can change the sizes in Component Options. Don't inspect too closely and it looks pretty darn good!
Thanks again!
Maybe it was an error. The solution was to explode and then re-make the component.
I used the move tool to decrease the LenY of this component from approx. 18" to approx. 12".
Now the LenY in Component Attributes doesn't match the components LenY in the workspace.
Can anyone tell me why this happened, and how to correct it?
Thank you!
Thank you very much for the help! I used a plugin called Sine Wave to create the curve. Did you draw your curve manually? If so, what tool or technique did you use?
I need to create a curved wire component that's repeatable along X. I've attached a picture of the shape I need - a segment of a sine wave.
The radius of the wire is 5/32". The LenZ of the wire needs to be 5/8". The LenX needs to be 2".
I've tried using the following me tool along a wave-line that's 5/32" shorter than the final 5/8" height I need, but I must be overlooking something because the LenZ never results in 5/8".
Obviously, to be easily "repeatable" for my model the cut ends of the wire must be parallel to the Z-axis.
Could someone walk me through the "best practice" steps for creating this geometry?
Thank you!
I've attached two photos: Before and After. "Before" shows the EZDB-30 Package before I re-parent the EZDB-30 subcomponent. "After" shows the scaling problem that occurs when I re-parent EZDB-30.
I constructed the two other "packages" shown in the same manner, but didn't experience this re-scale when I re-parented.
Can someone tell me why it's re-scaling, and how to prevent it from happening?
Thank you!
I'm familiar how to repeat a component every X inches, for example, using Position X = 0 +COPY*36, but I was wondering if anyone is familiar with how to space the copies across spans that vary in length based on user input.
My idea was the following:
I've been trying it using the formula ="Span"©&"!X, but I'm not getting correct results.
Am I using the correct syntax in the formula? If that won't work is another way to accomplish it?
Thank you!
Please see the screenshots. I inserted "Nancy" into a model from a folder. In that model she is a full component. From that model I right-clicked her, and did a Save As to my components folder.
It didn't save her as a component. It saved her as a model with nested components. For example, when I single-click her face it is editable.
It was my understanding that when you save an in-model component to your folder it stays in the form of a component. Am I misunderstanding a Sketchup concept?
I have two questions:
I have a folder where I save Sketchup component files. If I open one of those files and modify the component, what is the method to save it so that it "stays" a component, instead of becoming a model?
In my previous attempt to save components it seems that I may have been saving components within models. After bringing them into a new model all of my components were nested inside other components with the same file names in the Outliner window. In order that they act as single components I had to Explode either the parent or the child, then right-click "Save As", overwriting the component in my component folder.
That seemed to work. However, the example in the screenshot is stubborn. When I right-click Save As to the component folder, and overwrite the existing file, it saves the geometry but not the component. A single click allows editing of the entity.
Could anyone suggest why this may be happening? In the tutorials I've watched, right-clicking a component in a model and selecting "Save As" saves the entire component to your folder. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you.
Thank you for the support. I have a love/hate relationship with this tool, but I'm feeling more love as I learn more. It's opening up quite a few possibilities. Thanks again!
Thank you very much for your reply. I may have stumbled upon a root cause. The first screenshot I attached shows the position of the component axes when I bring it into a model after locating it through the "Open Create a Local Collection" dialog from the Components window of Sketchup. The second screen shot shows the position of the axes when I open the component file directly from the same folder in File Explorer.
Perhaps I'm not saving the component correctly. I've tried every method imaginable, but the axis stays as shown in the first shot. Is there another way I should be saving it to get the axis to stay where I want it when I bring the component into another model?
I've been struggling with setting my component gluing plane and axes correctly. I've watched tutorials and believe I'm mimicking correctly, but when I drag this component into an existing model with a wall it sticks out vertically from the wall instead of gluing to it like a normal wall element.
I was hoping someone with more experience could start me in the right direction. I have to orient quite a few components in the coming months! is the component location.
Thank you!
Dave R and Peter,
Thank you for pointing me the right direction. Using the Move tool as you've indicated would be the most efficient manual approach to this job. Dynamic Components, on the other hand, could be a game-changer. I really appreciate your help!
My company has a library of Sketchup components rendered with incorrect dimensions (two examples attached). I'm in the process of re-doing them from scratch.
The #1 challenge lies ahead. One of our components is fabricated from sheet metal, and is available in over 1,500 length/depth combinations. It would be easy for me to re-create the "silhouette" of the component in each depth, then "extrude" that silhouette to the correct lengths for saving in the library, but this component needs to be "punched" in several locations on two different opposed planes.
This challenge is similar to creating a box-shaped house with windows located in corners of perpendicular walls, then lengthening the walls while maintaining the same window dimensions and locations relative to the edges. As a beginner I don't know a way to "stretch" the "walls" of my component without also stretching the "windows" and the space between the windows and wall edges.
What would be the most efficient process to re-creating my 1,500 component sizes with perfectly sized and located windows (holes)?
Thank you!