Is Renderiza's rescene useful for you -
It's a but clunky and you might need to teach yourself on a copy of the file but it's pretty useful
Is Renderiza's rescene useful for you -
It's a but clunky and you might need to teach yourself on a copy of the file but it's pretty useful
That is an amazing plugin sdmitch - is Face Pairs a plugin you would be willing to make available (or sell)?
I agree you're being too hard on yourself - I don't know about doing this but you need some grime, some filth to make these ships look ike they've fought hard.
Good on you for putting your work up here - I haven't myself yet
Thank you sancho, they'll come in very handy, I think the RAL's will be most useful.
Thanks Jim, very interesting. I'm currently working on a land subdivision where I'm using voronoi polygons to parcel the land, and the system you linked to is nicely irregular too.
If you can, put the model on here. Save it as version 8 to increase eyes on the problem.
Model sounds VERY large for the area (I too do playgrounds and similarly complex landscapes). Can't emphasise using components enough. Also check out Proxy View from the plugin store. And look at any imported components very critically.
Also also, when I'm doing heavy scenes I run two scenes for each, one for working, and one for rendering/final view checking, and I make sure I ONLY look at the rendering one to avoid lockups
Hi, Not so heavy - I'd be running it once for an as-built from the base 2D polygons, and then in successive runs to develop subsequent generations in different colours and then put each output on a new layer, then I could show the result live in 3D or print out as layered pdfs.
Sure I'd find it useful: it's great to be able to generate lots of rapid basic buildings as backgrounds/context. Also many council GIS's are starting to to put building outlines online and this could 'build' from those...
I'm starting to move in to doing multi-lot developments and more urban work and being able to 'populate' and area quickly would be a real advantage. Would also be useful to be able to quickly show how an area could change over time say with single-floor buildings being replaced with multi-floor. So yes I'd find this very useful.
Does this discussion;t=48742%26amp;p=437723#p437723 between hgroeneveld and Tig a few years ago help understanding this area?
especially this part...
"Attributes usually persist in new copies/clones/duplicates.
It's a bad idea to attach attributes to things like faces and edges because these do get overwritten/replaced when geometry explodes or is intersected, or even edits are 'undone'."
BUT while you say tracking a loose face from a component may not be possible, would it be possible to traverse an aarea of loose faces and build a component from that?, with the area of loose faces being used a live reference
I'm not a programmer, I'm just trying to define what's possible in SU as a lot of seemingly impossible things get solved here.
Is there a way for a face in a component to reference a loose face elsewhere in the file? This would be so I can have an assemblage of loose faces which remain topologically editable (connected faces change shape), and then referencing from that to a component which I could query and also show as an individual land parcel
I've also asked this here -;t=62574%26amp;p=573589#p573589
Hi Sdmitch - Does your example above exist as a plugin? Utimately what I'm hoping for is a way to have an area of loose faces representing a subdivision parcel (maybe they're in a group or component - whatever works), and then have individual components representing each face - is there a way in Su for a face in a component to reference a loose face elsewhere in the file (I'll also ask this as a separate question on the main page)
While this topic is active....
Starting with the original loose connected faces, would it be possible to keep the loose faces as a live base, to enable topological editing, that is when you move a vertex the surrounding faces update.
And then to (somehow) bring this linework through to the groups or components.
This would be really useful for parcel layouts for land subdivision where moving a vertex would change lot sizes for at least two lots and often three or four.
Maybe give each face a tag (if tag was editable that's be great) to carry through to the group/component for BIM/analysis.
I don't know, maybe impossible but one can dream.
Loose to groups only seems to work with unconnected faces,
try bentleykfrog's Face(s) to group(s), - I've just tried it and it works perfectly
I've had a play with it but it's too cumbersome (would be okay if you could input vehicle parameters, but still need to have some reference cases so you know it works), I use Bricsturn which is an outside of process plugin for Bricscad,
Thanks very much sdmitch, I'm not a coder at all, but even failing a programming degree has proven useful, also Notepad++ very helpful for find code bits
I can now go and roll this idea across a subdivision and all will look nicely loose and random
Thanks, so when I poked around in the code, the only two .75 instances i found were:
Line 458: end until tx>=dx0.25 && tx<=dx0.75
Line 463: end until tx>=dx*0.75
So I suppose if I tweak those I can get a shorter minimum length - I will play tomorrow [it is tomorrow as I couldn't sleep]
Thank you sdmitch, I think that'll do me nicely, But would it be possible to add a seed/minimum length to the length box? As this will be wood siding on a house I'm probably looking at a minimum length of ~400mm
I've watched the vid and think this tool could also do some planting plans, I'll do a separate post and ask you there
Hi, A client has asked me to design a modular house (I'm just doing the shell) and we're going to build 26 of them (yey), So I came up with the idea of cladding them in vertical random-length boards, something like images here and attached.
Like Peter Kuczia I will probably mix in boards of different colors/materials, even very narrow feature windows as views to South are great but South is Antarctica too, brrrr.
So has anyone built a plugin to place boards of a random length on a surface?
Hi Francois, I also realised if I change layout settings to export as vectors I can dimension the referenced pdf easily in VW. Much more time saved