here's a few of the pieces and parts I used to compile the new image (copied from the original or a subsequent generations). The two main buildings were massed from the original, one with the center section cut out, the other with a center added in the other direction. The details were either built from stuff similar to the "bridge" pieces shown, or painted with the clone brush...lots of touchup after all was in place. The fence I did with photomatch in SU because vector drawing in PSP would have taken me a lot longer...only had to fudge the wierd perspective once in SU.
The fence was brought into PSP in three layers (cut behind the rest where appropriate): the shadows burned, the fence multiplied, and the posts normal but transparent...then again lots of touchup.
That help? Best, Tom.
[image: ~KBIrenderTut.jpg]
[image: KBIfenceSUweb.jpg]