Starting a new thread.
In my other question it was brought up that I should replace the groups of groups and singular groups with components.
I have picked up the plugin to convert groups to components(which is awesome).
Now - is there a way to replace in place the other instances of a component?
For my fence I have the following components:
- 1x1 cedar vert.
- 1x1 cedar hor.
- 2x4 cedar
- 1x5 cedar
- lattice
In this first model I tried selecting the target, then right clicking on the component I want in the component library and choose the replace selected. However when I did this the newly placed component did a couple of things.
First it was placed somewhere else in the model (not a direct replacement) and secondly the replicated component is listed multiple times in the outliner.
How would I address the first and is the second a desired behavior/non-issue?
Thanks very much.