unfortunitaley the client backed out of this project, instead opting to go with a cheaper bid. since we did not want to waste all our efforts in the design of this secret door we decided to build it and use it as a display in our booth at the homwe show. i had some 1/8" strips of stock cut and sanded to be used as bent laminations for the curved parts. by making a large form to press up the parts, face frame, base molding, door rails, center panels and drawer front, i was able to make up all the curved parts at the same time ensuring that their curves would be in relation to each other. in hindsight i would of done it in smaller pressings to eliminate the speed at which it needed to be done but my time was limited.
the finish was a mahogany dye with a tinted lacquer and under the bright lights of the spray booth i did not realize just how dark i was making it by using too many coats of tinted lacquer. since the show i have stripped off the finish and will refinish it with a much lighter tone of dye, allowing the beauty of the wood to show through.
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