[Tutorial] Making a Tutorial
Can anyone share with me how to go about making a tutorial. I really like the scene by scene method and understand how to setup the scenes but the actual work flow of modeling a component is what I'm trying to figure out. For this particular project I'm wanting to use the tut template as assembly instructions to go along with a cabinet I'm making for a client (ill print and number each scene consecutively) . I'll be sending it to them knocked down in individual pieces and the tut will aide them in the assembly of it. I know that there is a difference between a tut on layering components scene by scene to demonstrate the assembly procedure for this cabinet and a tut on modeling this cabinet. info on both types would be appreciated. thanks.
Don't know exactly what you want to know about, but this will bump it back up where someone who knows more may be able to help more than me.
What I've done, as well as what I've seen in other tuts using SketchUp, is to use a sort of cumulative approach. Start with your first scene then copy it as a group and paste it in a location out to the left. Once you've pasted it, right click and make it unique, then add the next pieces in the drawing. Add a scene and update it from the view you want, and repeat the procedure. If you don't make each one unique, any changes you make will be added to the previous ones.
If you've got a lot of textual instructions you might try using somethink like "Wink" found here http://www.debugmode.com/wink/. It is a tutorial creating program that might be better suited for your task.
Any clues on how to make things fit within different sized monitors/windows? I couldn't find a happy way of making things show properly in multiple sized screens.
now that i look back on my post i can see that it was a little hard to follow what i was asking but the advice that you offered is just what i was looking for. make component, copy component, make unique, modify, add scene/update. rinse and repeat. i followed the link to wink and might be able to incorporate that into my project but if not, the printouts from my SU tut will satisfy the client needs and that's all that matters(sometimes)