All excellent points and will make for good ammunition, I mean talking points, when I present my findings to my financial advisor/my wife.
@caronte01 said:
I recently moved from a pc to a mac. As someone else pointed before, considering specs, macs are competitive, when compared to a similarly spec´ed peecee.
I work on a macbook, which i upgraded to 2 GB of ram, and find sketchup performance adequate, even with integrated graphics. Take into consideration the fact that a lot of stuff you see on your screen on OSX is opengl accelerated, so apple makes sure performance is ok. I work with hardware acceleration on, and there are no visible glitches (something you more than likely would have on a pecee with integrated graphics), and speed is ok on small and medium to large models. In this case, it´s not just a matter of raw speed, but also good drivers, and the mac certainly does have good ones.
I guess it all depends on the kind and size of models you do. I would be more than happy to have a macbook pro though, but it was out of my budget.
I also use a late gen imac, with ati graphics, and performance is very good, but, strangely i get more graphic glitches than on the macbook. Nothing terrible though.
Certain plugins do work only on peecee, but you have several option on a mac to run windows for those, if you need to.
Your computer is imo too old to run sketchup properly though.
It´s up to you in the end, but if it was my call, i would stick with osx. Not pretending to turn this into a flame war, but if you are used to mac, the switch will be full of surprises, and not all of them will be good.
The peecee has more variety, software wise, i agree, but most freeware, shareware, low cost programs on a mac are imo of a higher quality than equivalents on peecee.