SketchUp can export a number of 3D formats. But import only 3ds or dwg. Both causes problem for me.
Revit can import .skp, but not export.
An IFC import would be very nice.
SketchUp can export a number of 3D formats. But import only 3ds or dwg. Both causes problem for me.
Revit can import .skp, but not export.
An IFC import would be very nice.
@unknownuser said:
Note - The draped edges will be outside of a group or component context if the TIN is encapsulated within a group or component.
When I try that, the lines becomes part of the geometry inside the group or component. I've even tried double nesting. Nothing.
I have a Revit model I want to import into SketchUp. I'm not happy exporting to DWG from Revit as so much of the mesh is connected and materials are missing.
If I export to FBX, open that file in 3D Studio Max, then export that as a 3DS file things are more like I want it. Materials are preserved and the geometry isn't glued into a big lump.
The problem is that when I import the 3DS model, I only get one component instance, even though there should be multiple. Example is the windows, same window used all around the building, only one of them is placed in the model. If I have two types of windows, I only get one of each.
The DWG import doesn't suffer from this. All blocks get converted to Components fine. But the problem with this is, as I mentioned earlier, that allot of the geometry is glued together.
I have created a example file. In the scene there is three of these objects; a torus, a sphere and a teapot.
The toruses are all created as copies.
The spheres are all created as instances.
The teapots are all created as references.
When the .max scene is exported into a .3ds file and loaded you get three toruses, one sphere and one teapot. Any instance information is gone. Export the same scene into a DWG and all the geometry is there and all the Spheres, which was created as instances is now a SU component.
It'd be nice to have this fixed so .3ds instances are loaded properly in SU.
If anyone knows workarounds I'd be glad to hear.
Does anyone know where to get additional import plugins for 3D formats? In particular FBX format.
Note, you have to completely separate all the geometry, including hidden lines to a group or component in order for displacement to work. If there's some other geometry attached with a different material then displacement won't work.
@jarch_per said:
can u please give me some more info????? i can render frames.......but how to save them in video files?????
please help some one..........!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can only render out each frame as single images. Then you have to use a video editing program to assemble the images into a film.
So far it looks that only some users with nVidia graphics cards gets the best results. I got an ATI Radeon 9800 on my Ubuntu box and as with the rest of the ATI users SU on Wine is no go.
I have an 8800GT and 6800GT on my main rig, but I only run Vista on that.
@c.s.cameron said:
Check out ubuntu forums for info on running SU with wine.
This is a wine success story, works platinum.
I've yet to come across any resource that describes SU on Wine a success. I've search for hours on the net without any result. Got any link to a specific thread? I'd very much like to get this working.
Yea, heard about that. But I struggles long to enable it so I'll stand this one out and hope for some other fix to show itself.
With my Ubuntu with ATI Radeon 9800 I've not been able to use SU. It installs and starts, but the drawing area is black.
@lewiswadsworth said:
I saw that article earlier...Google would lose patents as well, and not just in "search." "Push-Pull" is covered by a software patent, although extrusion seems so basic and evident in prior art (older programs) I've always wondered how that was possible.
Hmm... Microsoft's modelling tool to their Virtual Earth felt very similar to SU.
Didn't realise that push-pull was patented. Hard to grasp that it even could.
Just read that the US patent office has taken a new position to software patents and most old software patent might become invalid.
Could this be out hope that the shadowbug fix is reinstated eventually?
@pmiller said:
Yes, this is a bug in SU6 that usually happens when you are working with an older file (i.e. V5). It's been discussed and acknowledged on the Beta forum, but never fixed. A work-around is to "save as" your component (give it a new name and you can delete it later). Then try reload and you will get the browser. If you have multiple components to reload you have to repeat the process. Can be very time consuming (not to mention annoying) if you have lots of components. Let's hope they fix it in V7.
Ah! That explains it!
@ross macintosh said:
Instead it seems the Boulder team have a real joy for what they are doing and that a team with strong chemistry has developed. The team has an unusual amount of very charismatic people. Aiden, Dusty, John Bacus, and Bryce come to mind. They have an infectious enthusiasm that clearly relates to a love of SketchUp.
You're trying to make me feel bad for deleting Bryce time and again?
@mpowell1234567890 said:
@thomthom said:
I've found that you don't even have to rename it. Since GIF and PNG file formats got different structures I got an idea;
When you have the file dialogue window open, type in * in the filename textbox and hit the Enter key. Then all files will be listed and you can select and open your gif files.So it appears that GIF support already exists, it's just the file dialogue that lacks the listing for the file format.
How do I do it? I tried but see no animation..
Am I doing it right? * filename.gif
It only support static GIF images. No Animation. So it's actually a partial support of the GIF format.
That Photomodeler look interesting for modeling existing buildings. (I work in an architect office.)
But I really feel we need another solution for placing existing models. The views we need to show the client or the council rarely ever is anywhere near close to fit the demanding restrictions of Photomatch. And we rarely get a perfect un-obscured view. And to add to that, 90 degree angles are rare! At least in this old city.
(Yes, multipin system for textures would be nice. As well as being able to place a pivot point for rotating the texture.)
@solo said:
Seen the new Rhino photo match yet?
Interesting. I've used Rhino before so Itt's a tool I'm comfortable with. I'll add that to the list of software to check out. The other option I'm looking at is 3DS max. It appear that it let you define multiple control points where you specify the distance.
But I'm still open for other software packages / plugins.
Can anyone recommend some Photomatch software. I find Su's Photomatch to not fit our usage. The restriction of 45 degree reference angles and awkward control handles just makes the process of photomatching all too time consuming.
I'd much rather use a software that let you define multiple control points which the software then use to match the model.
@kwistenbiebel said:
I agree.
Currently I need to polyshrink Xfrog trees to the point the leaves are starting to float in mid air....and even then only a couple trees can be placed or SU crashes.
Is that trees you've generated yourself? Or the ones from their DVD collection?
Ah yes! Exactly what I was looking for. And more!
Thanks for your quick reply.
Trees ahoy!