Yep, I don't buy it either. He claims "if nothing is properly criticised, mediocrity triumphs."- how true (and how bloody obvious too), but combined with the rest of his article this implies that "mediocrity" is worse than "bad". What a stupid, uniquely late 20th/early 21st century notion.
Criticism is inevitably subjective, but that doesn't mean a critic shouldn't strive to be objective. Objectivity is developed through knowledge and analysis of a field and a good critic should be able to identify and observe trends and patterns and develop his/her opinions based on them. If I wanted gut-instinct subjectivity I'd ask a taxi driver or my Uncle Rab rather than buy a newspaper who pay the wages of self-proclaimed critics.
Nevertheless, gut-instinct can absolutely be relevant in criticism. I am about 95% certain that even if I knew nothing about art, had never been in a gallery, never seen a painting, and knew nothing of artists' lives or historical importance I would still have stood, captivated for 15 minutes in front of van Gogh's painting of an olive orchard in the garden of a psychiatric hospital he was committed to, when I saw it at an exhibition a couple of years ago. Of course you could analyse it, but it pretty much transcends critique- it was just breathtaking. When friends asked what I thought of the exhibition, to see if it was worth the queues, the crowds and the entry fee my reply couldn't have been more subjective: "Just go and see it, it's fantastic."
What's the point of that article anyway? It sounds like this geezer is an old-enough-to-know-better example of the "keeping it real" generation i.e. "Yeah, I might be an arrogant @rse, but that's just the way I am. At least I'm keeping it real!" Yep... real dumb.
Don't take this as a flame Stinkie, as an ex-critic yourself I'm not having a go at you or your peers, I just don't like this guy's stance.
BTW I think his portrait at the top of the article gives him away as an arrogant,
self-important tosser... you can almost smell the "smug". How's that for subjectivity? LOL
[image: Wziw_Badge-Jonathan-Jones-on-A-001.jpg]