Fortunately there is an easy fix (see above), unless you have modeled with the axis off.
RE: Out of square model
RE: Will SketchUp Ever Wear Big Boy Pants?
Thanks for trying JuJu. I can't imagine giving SU the boot for Revit. Once you have a system down that you know, I simply haven't seen anything that competes. I'm still a one man show and just completed 6 custom complex homes in 5 months....all either started construction or in the building department for permit review. There is no software I know of, that could allow me to achieve that. Granted it was a very busy 5 months!
Each of these projects had between 60-80 sheets and included multiple renderings, animation, kubity model etc.
If any of you are attending basecamp, I have some significant updates to share, along with my process for detailing.
RE: Scenes to Layout - Scene parameters change
In the scenes manager, make sure "visible layers" is checked, select the layers you want visible, then update, then save. If not, each scene changes with the current layer selection.
RE: How do I get section planes not to show up in layout?
Dave is spot on. It's all in the styles and which style is used for particular scenes.
RE: Layout takes ages to update the model/reference
Agreed, that is a really big .skp file. Most of mine are in the 40-70 mb size.
RE: Roof of irregular plan
Like TIG says. If your goal is to have a level ridge, then your eave will be sloped. If your goal is to have a level eave, then your ridge will be sloped. If your goal is to have a level ridge and eave, your walls need to straighten or you need to frame it in a parabolic which is what you got in your result, which is very expensive and difficult to frame.
RE: Non rectangular viewports in Layout?
I use clipping masks for all my sections, elevations and interior elevations. It works perfectly. You can assign the mask a line style as well which works great for interior elevations.
RE: Missing lines in Layout
I had a quick look. I noticed that inside the wall group layer 1-walls - the outer wall you had it structured as a group in side an overall group which is redundent. I can't explain the exact reason why, but when I exploded the outer wall inner group, re-linked the file the outer walls do show in vector.
RE: Using Sketchup for the whole process?
Thanks folks!.
Yes you can. I've been doing it for years and it works exceptionally well. Matt Donley and I co-authored a book on my process. You can see it here
RE: Missing lines in Layout
@greatoe said:
A work around is, in your sketchup model, delete the section plane, add a new section plane to the same location of the old one, update your scene, save the sketchup file, then update model reference in Layout and all will be good.
If you use Layout to draw construction drawings, just like me, you will have many section planes (like 50+), then this will be a very hard labour.
Worse is, if you continue modeling in Sketchup, especially if you add new layers and new scenes, the 'lost line' problem will probably come out again and you have to re-assign the section planes again.
This is a prime example of why I use multiple models. 50+ sections are unworkable and really slow things down.
RE: SketchUp & LayOut for Architecture
Great!. I love seeing results like this!
If anyone is attending, Matt and I will be presenting at the Trimble Dimensions conference in Vegas in November and at the AIA National convention in Orlando next April.
RE: Relinking A Viewport Changes SU Model Ref In ALL Viewports
The only way the scene in layout will read as modified is if you tried to edit it or accidentally edit the SU file inside of LO. If you were able to relink the file, it is just a matter of selecting the correct scene in the Sketchup model tray, verify scale is set and preserve scale is checked. Anytime you edit anything in the Sketchup tray that alters the preserved scene it will show as "modified". Anytime you try to enter the Sketchup model in LO it will show the scene as "modified. Anytime you first insert a sketchup model in LO it will show as "last saved sketchup view"
If you have a dropbox link for the file, I could take a quick look for you.
As for running slower - those files sizes seem large. My largest file for a 9000 sf home fully detailed interior and exterior on a 25 acre parcel fully modeled is 66mb for the site plan LO file. Are you trying to 1 layout file for all drawings on a single project? I separate the drawing types to separate LO files....Site plans, Floor plans, elevations...etc. Makes it much more manageable and if things go south, easily fixed.
RE: Drape Tool not draping all entities
@woodarc said:
Is there quick way of avoiding this situation, i.e.a plugin?
Yes - explode blocks either before importing to SU, or explode them after. Then you will have no issues with draping CAD derived geometry.
RE: Layout to DWG/DXF: can it really be done?
The way I have been doing it works fine for all my consultants. I don't get any calls or issues, so I'm not sure what you folks are running into? Here are my steps:
- Create an "ACAD" folder that has sub-folders based upon drawing type exported....floor plans, elevations etc. Inside those folders are sub-folders labeled Mspace and Pspace. You only do this once and re-use the format for all projects.
- Export .DWG from layout to the appropriate Pspace folder.
- Export .DWG from Sketchup of your scenes to the appropriate Mspace folder.
This gives your consultant an organized export of each plan type. A typical project can be exported in about 10-15 minutes.
RE: Drape Tool not draping all entities
Are these trees ACAD imports? If so and they were blocks converted to a component, they will sometimes not drape.
If you explode them they will drape just fine. Just make sure you edit anything out of the block first. My surveyor sends me tree blocks that have diagonal lines inside of circle. Before I explode them, I edit the component to be a simple circle, then explode, then group, then assign to the tree layer and finally drape the group onto the surface.
First, under view deselect "Hidden Geometry". Then go to the scene having issue and in the scene tray under properties to save verify hidden geometry is selected. If it is, simply deselect hidden geometry then reselect it. That will fix the scene. The same can be done for all the properties, no need to update.
RE: Fog properties on scenes not updating properly
A really quick way to match camera settings between scenes:
- select the scene that you want to match
- In the scene tray highlight the scenes you want to have the same view as the scene you selected.
- Simply toggle the camera view off, then on. Do not select update.
That's it. Matt Donley pointed this out to me during the process of writing our book. Incredibly easy. The same method applies to all aspects under "properties to save".
RE: Custom amd radeon settings for better performance
Yes, AMD are not the best for SU. I went through many video cards over the years and ended up tossing all AMD early on.
RE: Architectural layer name conventions
A quick way to update multiple scenes that have similar layer arrangement is to simply select the scene, in the scene manager tray, select all scenes that have a similar layer arrangement, then toggle on then off the "visible layers" selection. Then all scenes will update automatically.
The same goes for any of those variables listed in the "properties to save:"