Layout takes ages to update the model/reference
Hi all
Can someone tell me why layout takes so long to update the model/reference?I have 2 x 3.06 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 4095 MB
The skp is 406.7 MB
And the layout doc is 245.1 MBIt takes about 7 sec to save the skp and about 10 sec for the layout doc to reflect the changes made.
Is this normal, seem a bit slow to me.Many thanks for any advice.
7sec save on a 400mb file isn't slow.
That's quite a heavy file to work with.
Agreed, that is a really big .skp file. Most of mine are in the 40-70 mb size.
A lot of Sketchup (and Layout) is limited to a single core speed, even the 64 bit versions.
A 12 core computer is amazing for rendering with external plugins, but a higher clocked dual or quad core computer will probably get you a lot better performance modelling and producing documents in Layout.