Nice clean render. Hope everything works out.
......and the next mayor of Huntsville...............
Things like wood and fabrics that have a unique or complicated pattern are going to be difficult for many programs to process without having issues. It may be best to use something like Genetica Studio ( I use Genetica as well as Pixplant for 95% of all my textures. I also have and use Imagesynth for blending 2 images together but not nearly as much as the other 2. You also might want to try FilterForge. Making your own textures is going to give you better results as you can control more aspects of the process than sampling a small or even large image as typically it does not show the full pattern or repeat.
My texture arsenal:
Pixplant 2
Genetica Studio
Photoshop CS5 Ext
Nice render. Granted there are issues but all in all it is really pretty good. One thing that stands out is the shadow or lack of dark shadow under the truck. It should be far stronger than it shows. Does shaderlight have AO controls?
Do you guys know if there is a way to get the 3D models into Sketchup from the great buildings site?
Nice image!! One thing that stands out is the board needs more segments. It is too faceted for a close shot like this.
The materials look really nice!
Thanks Dave.
As for the bolts they match the photo I modeled to, I kind of like them.
I should have listened to the warnings and not watched this but needless to say I did. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce. This is beyond dork material.
Thanks for your comments. As far as the bolts they were matched to the photo for placement and count.
I have fryrender, vray and MAX but I choose Twilight for its speed and ease of use. I have 10-12 house in the toal project and that includes modeling and rendering so for me Twilight is fast. Vray may be better in terms of overall quality but setup sucks and lighting can take a while unless you are just going to go for GI alone. Twilight is also FAR cheaper than any other you noted and is well integrated into Sketchup.
Best regards,
It is white washed reclaimed flooring. I know it is wider than typical flooring but I think part of it is my texture as well. I am going to build a better texture/bump map and run it again.
This is a personal project and was inspired by an image I had seen. All modeling was done in Sketchup with some pre-built components as well. Rendering was in Twilight. Comments welcome.
It might help next time to explain that this was only a test of the render engine. Giving a better explaination would have helped.
The car model looks great but seeing as how I think you are looking for crits on the render I will keep my comments there.
The headlights look all too dark. this glass should be almost completely clear with a low IOR.
The wheel material looks bad. I am not sure what the material was supposed to look like but it appears as there is some work to do there or this just cam from a track day and has excessive brake dust build up.
The tires material is far to light.
The HDRI background is blurry and seems a bit out of scale.
The door handles and mirrors should be body color and the front marker (just in front of the front wheel( is clear with an orange bulb not orange.
The bottom of the air splitter is black carbon fibre not body color.
All in all pretty good model but the rendering has a fair bit to go yet.
I like these. My only crit would be that the edges need more segments. I think the inside of the mesh is ok being lower poly as you do not notice it as much but the edges are too low poly. Granted these 9 times out of 10 will not be the focal point but an added detail.
As always really nice work. My only crit would be to get rid of the figure as it does not add to the overall images.
I agree that something needs to be done. Most of us are mature enough to take critisim, whether it is positive or negative. If you post work in a WIP gallery it should be open for comments, otherwise why are you posting it at all? If it is in a gallery and by you considered finished, be open to comments. If that same work makes it into a "Showcase" gallery then it has already been deemed worthy of being in this arena and should be closed for comments. If someone can not be mature enough to hear a possible negative comment then don't post work. I think the reason some posts do not get much attention is that some do not deserve it. I will not point fingers but slightly modifying another persons work does not give you the right to collect all the praise for the complete model. Be respectful to the original modeler and state what you have done to modify it and then that portion of the work can be judged. Don't import other file format models and claim they are "your" work (most anyone who has been around long enough knows that is not yours). If the model was built in another modeling software, then imported into sketchup only to be rendered in lets say twilight for sketchup, then why is it on here at all? Should it not be on the forum for the modeling software or the twilight forum? Sketchup was no part if it other than a bridge to twilight. While I love this forum and have learned much from it I feel it is time for it to evolve. We have as much of a responsibility to showcase outstanding works in a place where they can be seen easily by industry professionals looking for talent, as we do for regulating crap.