Very cool model. I would love to see it rendered, or even be able to have a crack at rendering it.
Very cool model. I would love to see it rendered, or even be able to have a crack at rendering it.
Hey guys, I am glad everyone likes it so far. As far as adding content I would have to get Ivica to chime in as he did this for me and now I am just maintaining it and adding new content.
Thanks alot. I agree that Vray is by far the best renderer that is available for SU but I still can not let go of other tools such as Artlantis. Artlantis is great for quick renders and is my only tool for doing good VR's. There is Gocubic but it can not do the quality as in an Artlantis VR.
Thanks guys. Like I said it is very much in its infancy and still has much to go so the comments are more than welcomed. I truly could not have done this alone. So my hats off to Ivica Valjak for settign this up for me.
Best regards,
Hey guys,
With the help of some good friends I have finally got a blog going. I would like peoples input on the overall feel and anything else you guys would like to say. It is still pretty new and I have been updating it pretty regularly.
If this post is on the wrong place please feel free to move it.
Best regards,
I have to say it is nice to have people to bounce ideas off of not to mention people to just do things as favors.
Take your time, as I think of more ideas I will let you know.
I am not going to use it as a folder card. I am just going to have front and back printed. It is a good idea they say to have both sides printed that way no matter what side a person is looking at they still know whos card it is. I have attached a D size sheet I am working on with the new design. Comments are welcome. I really like the green that way when someone has a set of my prints they KNOW they are mine.
Very nice start and I agree. It would look better if there was shadows from a few windows.
What a beautiful baby! Congratulation! We just had our daughter Zoie on Nov 4th. It is just amazing how your whole outlook changes. Get some sleep now!
I have always priced rendering and animation work on a "not to exceed" basis. That way the client knows the high end of the cost and if I come in less at the end they are even happier. This way they can budget for the project in case they are billing an end client themselves. Also, this gives me and idea of how much I can get done before I am dipping into my profits. Just another alternative.
Here are the finals that were submitted to the client.
Best regards,
You can also right click on the material swatch on the materials dialog box and choose "select". Then all faces using that material will be highlighted. I use this quite often. This is great when making a linked material in Vray and wanting to make sure you are grabbing all the objects/faces using that material.
I used one for a bit and took it back. You have to write and draw fairly big for it it register, so small sketches and linework will not register very well if at all. I guess it would be fine for taking notes but I found it awkward more than useful. Also you will not know if you captured everything until you upload your notes and then find out it did not recognize something. Kind of a bummer if there are a lot of notes taken and then you have to go back through everything to see what you missed. I would just hate to see someone spend there money on something like this just to find out it did not work as expected.