I agree with Eric regarding the angle. Also the chrome on the furniture looks quite noisy.
I agree with Eric regarding the angle. Also the chrome on the furniture looks quite noisy.
I actually have 2 of these I am trying to sell. They are brand new and used less than 5 times each. I for one could just not get used to them. I bought one for work and one for home. If anyone is interested please PM me. I Purchased them for $400 each and I am looking for $300 each.
Thanks I Will have to look into them some more.
I completely agree. More times than not you can get away with a medium quality image if it is not in the foreground. I would just like to see some more high quality images for foreground work than just using my same few, but then again for 80-90% of my work I do not do exterior renderings. Not too many office spaces that require high quality foreground plants. For the price though, these are worth looking into.
Does anyone have any experience with http://www.vbvisual.com
Do you think these are better than the Ambient Light trees?
Maybe people did not comment because they are still picking their jaws off the floor!
Very nice work. My only comment would be to move the structure more into the foreground to really show it off. Nice clean render and design though.
What more is there to say besides....amazing. Hard to believe someone with your skill and vision would have to "look" for a job, there should be people looking for you. The first image really does set a mood, very good job capturing that. The trike just needs more segments in the wheels. Vray has a tendency to bring out the those little details (both good and bad).
Best regards,
Yes, Insane machines=extremely quick render times.
Wait until my 20+ machine render farm is done!
Thanks for the opportunity to play around with this model. The model itself is very well done as that makes it much easier to render properly. I am still messing around with this model in some other scenes and will post them here when I am done. Glad that I could be of help with the material setups. To anyone learning Vray will see that materials make the render. More time is spent setting up materials properly than with lighting setups to get great renders. Even the default render settings with Vray can produce amazing results.
The chair is modeled by Rob Moors and will be available soon on FormFonts. I just did this render for fun. Rendered in Vray. Total render time less than 5 minutes.
These are fantastic renders and give a great feel of the project. My only crit would be with the dof images. DOF is a great feature but typically people use to high of a setting and it makes the building look like a model or miniature instead of a full size building. The street lamp is a nice effect in the one image but I agree that is should be rendered as well. I also would not put it som much in the center of the image. Foreground images are important but the placement of them is key. I would not worry so much about the other models being a clay style. It actually makes the main building pop out in the renders even more. Great work and I am excited to see more of this project as it progresses.
Best regards,
Great work! I had to look at it for a bit to really tell is was not a photo. Much of that might have been the scale but none the less this is just great.
Agreed. I am actually working on that now. I will be adding HRDI for the lighting set up and a background image as well.
This is a new Vray render inspired by a photograph I found. I liked the simplicity of the image so I figured I would give it a go. I still have a bit to do (like paint the top of the opening on the left that I missed and do a little cleanup but I think overall it is quite nice so far. Any comments are welcome.
Just a quick update. I changed the floor and the walls now have a rough texture. Crits welcome.
Just an update on the progress of this image. With some help from the Vray forum I think this image has come a long way. If you have not tried Vray for SU, it is well worth it. Not as much of a "black art" as some might think. Best advice...read the manual and go through the tutorials.
Best regards,
Thanks rob. I really feel like I am becoming more and more fluent with VRay. It is really nice having an outstanding renderer that works so well with Sketchup. The fact that it recognizes Su's smoothing (unlike many other programs) is an added bonus.
Thanks for everyones kind words.
Yes I am sure some of the clarity was lost downsizing the image.
This was done with Vray for SU.
I need to thank Ivica Valjak for his great artwork and chairs. All of which are available on FormFonts.