I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for but this is my first guess.
I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for but this is my first guess.
I just today noticed with solid tools, if you subtract a transparent solid from another shape it leaves behind transparent faces. I suppose I mostly paint after these operations are complete.
You could draw some lines on whatever axis you require inside your pyramid group, then put those guidelines on a layer so they can be hidden after you complete your rotations.
This gif seems a bit shaky for some reason, sorry.
Do you have the automatically fix my model box checked. I'm guessing you might.
It could be that there are small errors in your model and the autofix is causing this behavior
If the group is exploded, the ghost gets it's edges back. Hmmm.
@krism said:
I have read a number of threads that says the M560 scroll wheel is not assignable as a middle click but you seem to have achieved this or am I misinterpreting something?
Or I misexplained. The scroll wheel (as far as I know) when pressed only shifts between smooth or "ratchet" scrolling. It does have the programmable left and right scroll function. You may be able to alter the function scroll/zoom to something else but I can't imagine doing such a thing.
I have that very mouse on a desktop pc now but have used it on a laptop as well. In the case of the laptop the touchpad and mouse can be active at the same time. I usually turn the pad off though.
You should be able to find software for the mouse I think it's called Set Point.
I have customized the buttons for Sketchup and and it works great.
My settings are, thumb buttons, select and tape measure.
Left click, select.
Left scroll, undo.
Right scroll, redo.
Scroll, zoom.
Middle button, orbit
Right button, context etc.
You can of course set the buttons any way you like.
There's the rectangle tool...
This seems familiar. We covered some of this a while back for someone looking for a specific angle and slope etc.
Have a look here:
If your roundhead is just an end to a breakwater, you could try something like this:
@krisidious said:
Nice animation Shep...
This is one of the ones that looked faked.
One thing that's different about this is the miter on the end pair. I think it's done like this.
See if this helps. The first image I posted is the starting position.
I don't have fancy piece of furniture, just an odd little dovetail joint. Probably more trouble to layout on wood than it's worth.
You bet, and you may have shortcut key (H) as a toggle for this view.
Check View>Hidden Geometry.
Or perhaps I should say un-check.
I thought I'd try coming up with a structure similar to what the "archandceiling" folks have produced.
Here's a second try with the "true arches" we started with. I didn't reduce (yet) the rectangles to their finished thickness but this shows how I came up with the geometry.
And Jeff, great video.
and finally
I hope you have a highly skilled carpenter/shipbuilder available.
Here's a unrefined thought on the subject. I'm guessing the compound curved hip would have to be done in short sections or glue-lamed.
I too wish you good luck.
The first plank in your bridge is causing the problem.
I'd be mildly concerned that if I slid my Tiffany lamp too near the corner to make room for a woodworking magazine and a snifter of brandy, a mess could be made.