To be honest I think that looks better than most non-post grass. There is a tutorial floating around these forums (check tutorial section) on how to place grass using photoshop as I think that would be your best bet for realism.
RE: How could i get realistic grass? Any suggestions?
RE: Vray For Sketchup
The chair itself has a very dark material which means the only way to show detail in it would be with proper lighting. In a real world example, if it was that sunny outside and you were looking at a black (charcoal) chair in such harsh, bright sunlight you probably wouldn't notice any detail in it either.
My suggestion would be to play with either the material of the chair (lighter color perhaps), or turn off the sun and use Vray lights to achieve the perfect amount of lighting to bring out the details in the chair material.
RE: Glass lighting modelling tips?
And to think, modelling these lights is probably 1/1000th as hard as making them in real life. Very impressive.
RE: Using Proxy in Vray for sketchup.
I don't believe render times would be affected. You would simply be able to move around your model in Sketchup easier as it doesn't have to redraw all the faces each time.
RE: Casting shadow from invisible objects.
Another possible solution would be to create two renderings. One with just the shadows including the "Ghost" object (VFB Channel Shadow) and then one without shadows showing just the visible objects rendered. The combine them in Post.
RE: Casting shadow from invisible objects.
Make a texture using a 100% transparent PNG and map that to your object. Shadows will still be affected but you will be able to see through it. I use it for roofs in top-down views to show proper lighting effect of the sun through windows.
RE: No more crash on sketchup vray
I've heard of this patch before, I thought it only allowed you to use the full 4Gb rather than ~3Gb as usual.
RE: Multitonal Reflections
Can you post an example of your results thus far and perhaps what you are trying to acheive?
RE: Problems with adding new textures on a mac
Sorry I misread the original post. This will allow you to modify a texture. There should be a button that says something to the effect of "Open or Create a Collection." Or you can import an image as a texture.
RE: Problems with adding new textures on a mac
I believe the material has to be in use already before you can edit it. Same for SU for PC.
Try adding the material to a face first, and then edit it.Rob
RE: V ray renders images in wrong position
You can try to explode the images once they are placed before rendering.
RE: Wine Racks learn something new everyday. The only reason I knew about keeping the cork wet is from my parents, not much of a wine drinker myself.
RE: Making Grass on a Contoured Plane using Displacement?
If that is the area you are looking to have grass an option would be to look at the Sketchup Fur Plugin. It creates actual low-poly grass that looks a lot better than a displaced texture IMO. Just a thought.
RE: Vray for Sketchup has a lot of bugs and error.
And Vray will continue to have memory issues until such time as a) Trimble releases a 64bit version of Sketchup or b) Chaos releases an external rendering program that can take full advantage of 64bit systems.
The memory issue is not that of Vray, but rather of Sketchup. This is why, for larger models, its best to render directly to a file (.exr)
But I do agree that beyond that there are still a number of issues that Chaos needs to correct on their end as well.
RE: VrayPlane visible?
I suppose it all depends on what you need with an invisible plane. You can add a 100% transparent material to it and it won't show up in your render. If you want it to cast a shadow make a material with a fully transparent PNG.
RE: Making panoramic images
I remember seeing a webpage explaining how to get this information. I did find this however, which might be a starting point.
RE: Wine Racks
Very nicely done.
To be picky though, the top wine bottles should be pointed down, don't want the cork to dry out. I noticed it was the same way on the manufacturers site..tsk tsk. Lol.
RE: Model Problems.
A couple of things you could try would be to try rendering it with override materials, this would let you know if one of you materials is causing the issue. The other potential problem is that its running out of memory in which case you would have to render to a file instead (.exr) and then adjust it with Photoshop or something similar.
RE: Exporting photomatched hidden line into photoshop
Sketchup won't seem to let me change the aspect ratio for some reason. I can either change the Width or Height but not both or I can use the screen resolution which didn't work either.