Another one for Krisidious. I'm off to put some columns in it now...
RE: ? about file size/polygon count
RE: ? about file size/polygon count
Froze mine up for a bit, too. That's a lot of columns! Ok, I see your point, it's geometry, not file size. Thanks!
RE: ? about file size/polygon count
Alan -so is it possible to have a low file size, but high in geometry (and hence run slow)?
RE: ? about file size/polygon count
Mac -thanks for the link, there is good info there. I do a lot of those, but I would like to know if there's a recommended size range for a manageable model (one that focuses on home interiors).
RE: ? about file size/polygon count
Krisidious -what kind of models do you make that are so large? Are these houses, as I see from your sig? What in them makes them so large? Lots of imported, high-res textures?
I ask because I am specifically wondering what a range for a house should be. No landscaping, mostly just a focus on the interior. Or a size for just one room, like an elaborate kitchen or bath.
? about file size/polygon count
I know it's important to keep a low file size , which includes polygon count, to keep the model from slowing down and to easily send it to others. Can anyone quantify file size and polygon count, though? Is there a size range you like to stay in -should it be under 10 MB, which is the largest file I believe you can upload to the Warehouse? What about polygon count? When I look at the statistics box, I see all these numbers, but what is the range I should shoot for?
RE: ? abt moving groups/components to different layers
Thanks, Dave, yes, I do keep my geometry on 0 (except for text), but again, since it's an option, I just wondered if anyone else found a reason not to do it.
RE: ? abt moving groups/components to different layers
Ok, thanks! Will keep my geometry on layer 0.
RE: ? abt moving groups/components to different layers
Thanks, pbacot! Ok, so it sounds like there's no good reason or purpose to move the component's geometry to a different layer even though it's possible? I just wondered that, since it was possible, there must be an occasional reason.
RE: ? abt moving groups/components to different layers
Hi mitcorb, I DO replace selection w/component. Nevertheless, to put a component plus its geometry on a different layer, I have to highlight the component shell (is there a different name for it?) and put it on that layer. Then I have to open the editing box and put all the geometry on the layer, as well.
My question is, do I want to move the loose geometry to the different layer, or leave it on Layer 0? (and why?)
? abt moving groups/components to different layers
Hi, a general question about moving groups and components to different layers.
I understand that to move a group or component to a different layer you select it and move it via the Entity Info box. But just the "shell" gets moved, not the loose geometry inside. I'm aware that you have to open the editing box, select the geometry, and move it, too.
My question is: Is it better to leave the loose geometry on Layer 0, or should it be moved with the group shell? What is the benefit of leaving it on 0 vs. moving it to the new layer along with the shell? That is, why would I want to do one or the other?
Thanks for any insight!
RE: Dynamic Components not working
Dave -thx for letting me know. Indeed, I hadn't been able to change the material, but didn't want to ask about it anymore, lol. I assume I can make the changes you described with the free version.
About the scaling. I see where the scale handles are hidden in the attributes box. Is un-hiding them an edit you can make with Pro? Or even with Pro, are you still limited to what kind of editing you can do on someone else's component?
RE: Dynamic Components not working
arrgh, ok, one more question ...i'm playing w/ this bench (i just have free sketchup on this computer), and in its options box, i'm switching the length. however, the bench doesn't change at all. isn't it supposed to change length? or color, when i change the color in the other option field? nothing happens.
RE: Dynamic Components not working
I see. That totally cleared it up, thanks again!
RE: Dynamic Components not working
Thanks, Dave! So if a DC isn't programmed to work with the Interact tool, then only Pro users can activate it, correct?
I didn't realize that you could do things with a DC besides what the Interact tool allows. Wow, thanks!
RE: Dynamic Components not working
Ok, thanks! You're right, it wouldn't do anything w/ the Interact tool anyhow. I didn't look at any of them closely enough, obviously, just assumed they all worked with the Interact tool. Can only Pro interact with it through a dialog box? And can only Pro users scale it?
RE: Dynamic Components not working
Ok, the above is one. But like I said, it's just one of many. I didn't realize DCs don't necessarily interact with the Interact tool. Maybe that's the case. How are you supposed to interact with them, then, through the components option box?