@michaliszissiou said:
@unknownuser said:
God did not create the universe, it is the universe and the universe is god.
If god is the universe then who/what created god-universe?
Boofredlay's example on love is great.
Who created time? Universe? Existence?
Why? What's the purpose?
Who created "My" God? Why I exist?
Do I have a soul?
In a universe that everything is living and dying, to make space for a new birth, is there anything immortal?
There's probably a death, hidden behind the birth of the universe and scientists will find it, sooner or later.
Or... this bigbang created death... which is equal.
I have strong evidences on this.Once again.
We're talking about the purpose of the existence.
About god, immortality, life.
Avoiding the word death,
Let's talk about love then, is it immortal? Who cares. Is love just a warm feeling? We can't live without it. Can we?
It's the only think we can do, after all. That's the spirit.What frightens me?
"for the people made their recollection fit in with their sufferings..."
By Thucydides 431 BC
God did not exist before the Universe, as the distance and time of the universe is infinite. And I am supposing that our Universe may be just a subset of a universe of universes. But as to the question of meaning. Again I would suppose the "meaning of life" is to simply have some basic inkling of how the various elements of the Universe are related. Meaning being derived from understanding oneness as a universal principal. If you understand your role in the universe, then perhaps you become at peace with the way of things and cease to struggle with a false dichotomy between all things "self" and everything else in your surroundings. Letting go of the self is not the same as being absorbed by the Borg. It is more like the additional power you get by "Let the force be with you."