Each tool loads in a way that its author considers appropriate to its use.
The tools' installation and activation/use are clearly explained on its download page...
Each tool that has an RB file in the Plugins folder will 'auto-load' when SketchUp starts,
Some tools are made as 'Extensions' - these need activating from the Preferences > Extensions list, after they are first installed. This is appropriate for more complex tools - you can switch then on/off this way, although the Extension that's 'off' only becomes unavailable after SketchUp is restarted.
Some tools have a Toolbar - activated from its View > Toolbars entry. Clicking on the buttons runs various aspects of a tool's operation.
Many tools have entries in one of the standard SketchUp menus, or submenus within them. These items allow you to set a shortcut-key to them - in the same way that you can with the native-tools.
Many 'tools' will appear in the Plugins menu.
However, some are regarded as 'Tools' or 'Draw' items and can appear there.
Also some are to do with File, View/Camera etc...
Some tools are accessible from the right-click context-menu. Usually these are only displayed or not-disabled [grayed-out] when specific conditions are met - for example a tool that only works when 'one group' is selected might only display when you have 'one group' selected.
Some very specialized tools don't even appear in any menu or toolbar - these are activated by typing commands into the Ruby Console - they are for a one-off use in unusual circumstances when a menu item would be rarely used...
So... read the tool's usage notes and use them as indicated...