Thank you both!
Slicing / cutting away
SU8/windows xp
Good morning all - can anyone help with slicing? In particular, I am working with sip panels, and am trying to cut away through both sides of a house. I am not having success with zorro2 - are there any other options? I also tried section plane tool - but need the slice to be on an angle - it seems section only works vert or horiz.
Su8 rb/rbz
Hi all - running su8 - I cant seem to get the rb plugins to open in su8 - the new rbz import well. I have the rb showing up in my plugins folder - but not in su?
oldnewt -
RE: Straight lines
Thank you Mit, I guess I am trying to achieve a 2d architectural presentation.(plan view / elev) I did not see any options for this in Style builder - only differing degrees of sketchiness. I have not had the time to learn layout(still trying to learn su) Is layout set up to draft 2d floor-plans etc?
Thanks again
Straight lines
Hi All, wondering if SU has the ability to just do straight line 2d drafting in black & white? And how about no sketchy lines in 3d?
Tapered tube
Hi all - any ideas for a tapered tube formed around a tapered cone?
RE: Housebuilder Plugin
THANK YOU MIGHTY TIG! You have lessened my ulcer and prevented me from pulling what little hair I have left out...Even a computer dolt like myself was able to follow your simple instruction! - the offending rb seemed to be a 51kb file at the bottom of the hb folder. Now - I noticed that the metric version has a nice little material list packaged with it...
RE: Housebuilder Plugin
Thanks Chris - but I am back to getting the right click error noise! AHHHHHH!
RE: Housebuilder Plugin
Sorry - I am looking for the imperial version of housebuilder updated. Was able to download the metric version w/out issue. Would love the imperial version w/out right click error noise.
RE: Housebuilder Plugin
Thanks john - running win xp - su8 - when I try to open in SU folder plugins - get "cannnot open as archive" tried to extract but nothing happens - In SU get "Error Loading File HouseBuilderTool (8).rb
(eval):20:in `require': no such file to load -- HouseBuilder/HouseBuilder.rb"Please Helppp!!!!
Housebuilder Plugin
Hi- imported D. Bur file & ext. but could not get house builder to load into s-up. Went back and loaded S. Hurlbut files (2005) and got h-builder to load - but get a r-click error noise. Anybody know if there is a particular file or folder I need to delete to eliminate r-click error noise? Thanks!
Layers & 2d
Hi all- In trying to work from a 2d file - I have tried to use layers to trace over the 2d image - but I still get error messages that "operation has caused drawing to merge with existing graphic? Any ideas? Thank You. oldnewt