Option 1: NPR output
Option 2: Render output
another excellent render from the thea master.
visit my doctor... his favorite quote "you can eat anything, there are lots of available medicine.."
or you dont have too. usually its reverse face.
thanks kris...
some of my favorites. I did this one during mothers day.. we have to admit lots of moms do lots of incredible job..
I love spoof and Parodies.. I managed to finished 100 already... Here is my 1ooth, the new logo of SketchUp
40th or Jenny had done this tutorial how to correct this here..
hehehe never realized its really simple to do deconstructivism in sketchup.
wow there is not much difference between the quality of podium with vray hugh. I know you were using VFSU and you just learned recently Podium. which means you can push more this software... excellent ferry.
maybe we did not really get what you are asking. images speak easier than long words.
@archkeenidea said:
im traibubam from Suvn.net i love your job ....can i add your yahoo?
hi bubam.. hows everything.. i dont have yahoo.... im more a facebooker.
@holmes1977 said:
@nomeradona said:
@holmes1977 said:
@solo said:
Recent animation using biased engine, 22 minutes total render time
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1129899/Produce.mov (should play online, let me know if it does not)
Yup it plays........impressive 22min!!!!!!! Im sold on it Pete. I dug up Thea yesterday and started doing some tuts. Just got sick of the limitations of using a renderer within SU.
are we on the same boat.. hating poly limitation here and doing workarounds. whilst im asking vray to do a stand alone, so that it wont be dependent with su shortcomings.Hi Normeradona
I think we are in the same boat. The reason for the work around was the high poly limitation. I dont want to have to rely on work arounds. Like you, I think the fix for Vray is to have a standalone app for Sketchup. Dont think this will happen though. Kind of goes against the gain of Vrays development direction with Rhino. I would imagine to develop a new Vray standalone for Sketchup would take sometime. But here's hoping I'm wrong.
I love seeing how you are doing with Thea Render. Has really inspired me to learn it.
i hope they would change their strategy especially when su was acquaired by trimble. so far im impressed with thea..
thanks Michalis.. im still using SU in modeling. i have not tried blender though i know its great based from your models before.
Carving.. using plain sketchup, autofold for proxy then 2 iterations with sds