watch out mode...
RE: White colour instead of bluish tint?
@john2 said:
How can I change the bluish tint in shadows for pure objects that i get using the default setting renders?
fernando made a video about this here. -
RE: Difference surface / face
reverse the material or apply the material on both side.
RE: White reflective surface?
if you will use another fresnel reflection on top your refelction, you will see the reflection will be further enhanced.
RE: White reflective surface?
here is what you will do. and be sure you make the layer stack like this
Reflection layer 1 (use fresnel map.. default is ok)
Reflection Layer ( use fresnel map, but put the ref and highlight glossiness to 0.95. use 16-24 subdivision) filter Acolor white
Diffuse layer.. white -
RE: White reflective surface?
@unknownuser said:
Nomer, why the need for two reflection layers?
i feel what he want is refelctive acrylic plastic, same in lacquer and carpaint maybe. this is my common workflow with this material where the top acts like a glass refelction, and the below reflection will do the rough and blurry something. i dont know how to explain it clearly. downside long rendering time.
RE: Make-over technique
i think photomatch was done as reference and then the model has been remodeled and rendered completely.. the after image is completely different from before. they are completely diofferent but the good thing is they are using the same camera view. so photomatch is the answer.
RE: Material Testing Model
valerostudio.. i think its ok.. i love the text hehehe. as for the other types of material, i think i have to reworked the post.. into squarish... you know so its easy for mapping
RE: Material Testing Model
i dont know where this will go, but so many interest, lots are wanting to pitch in on which im happy. we would like to retain the valero studio . I hope there will be a script that automates the process of applying the material to the model. and you dont do it manually.
RE: Material Testing Model
I dont know if I push the playing for this model too much...
RE: Vray
one of the best thing to learn is read the manual first,
second do it step by step.. i have written lots of tutorial about definitive lightings so read them, as andy said it will answer most of your questions. my tutorials are Here.. can also watch lots of youtube videos.
i am doing also basic tutorial series for vray sketchup. So if you are beginner this will be a great help/ I have finished the first part of my segment and will plan to do more.
Yeah I dont see anything that andy is bragging at all. He is very helpful. Perhaps cultural differences again..
FotoSKetcher-to SU-to vraysu
Playing with workflow... looking on Foto sketcher to create artworks, use its frames, embelish in Sketchup. then it was amzingly fast with VRay becuse the image are projected.
created a step by step workflow in my blog