New to Mac not sure where to post this would like Mac OSX > SU forum plzzzz
Not sure how to clear this list. Every time I start Su it opens previous file saved not new tried wasn't very savvy about it so I didn't use it maybe I just need more RAM LOL
Any one with OSX 10.7.2
RE: Useful MAC Apps and Hardware [Ongoing Updates]
I've been using Win since Win95 got a Mac Pro and Loving it I inherited a Mac Pro and had SL on it upgraded to Lion.
Not sure if I like this auto save tried to disable it everytime I start SU from icon on dock it opens last file i was working on instead of new
I really like that Moom app with KT and Gimp ver. for MAC now I'm happy Just a self taught hobbyest
Would like to see Mac and Win (separate of coarse) OS about SU forum stumbled on this thread because of new post wouldn't known about it otherwise
Mac help
I'm new to Mac but have used SU for awhile on PC and the first thing I noticed is the way toolbars don't fix themselves to the sides or top where I placed all my plugins, and when I downloaded SU for Mac and ran it for the first time some of the toolbars (construction,camera,layers and all the default toolbars that you see on a PC ) aren't even there in the View-Toolbars. Only toolbars that came with Mac install were getting started and large tools along with Google. Kinda funny thing I thought.
I'm using a MacPro w/ OS X 10.6.8 and do you think upgrading to Lion is worth it?
RE: Dovetail plugin
In 99.9% I do as you Dave draw in situ, this I learned from you and Chiefwoodworker so I see what you mean. His example and yours at DCB about drawing dovetails was rather involved or let's say time consuming or not so easy for an amateur SU person as I so I was glad to see a plugin that did it for you. I actually think the best way to use this is making components to save for further use as one of your blog post pointed out for commonly used components. With SU scale tool and Fredo6 scale tool I think it would very easy to adapt what ever size drawer you wanted to meet the need plus I thought the GUI was rather impressive.
Your thoughts are always appreciated and I value your opinion.
Dovetail plugin
Many fellow woodworkers may know Joe Zeh of Swamp Road Wood Works and if not you should check out his video tutorials on SU very easy to follow and a proper way to do workflow in SU pretty much A-Z. Anyway he's written several really good plugins but the one I wanted to share in this post was a dovetail plugin it's not on his blog but you can download it at post on LumberJjocks website
Here's a screen shot
RE: Tips and tricks for post rendering
I would definitely be interested great idea. I've been wanting to get into post-pro for sometime now but not sure how to.
RE: Bill of Materials
Cutlist would be my first quess.
some tutorials here the download page
Hope that helps and if you have questions using it lots of help here.And welcome to the forums best place for SU.
RE: Match photo grid
@dave r said:
Hi Walt,
I opened your file and the Match Photo dialog and got a grid. Could you post a screen shot of your Match Photo dialog bog for the model?
Maybe I'm going blind I don'y see it?
Match photo grid
I've seen most of the better videos on match photo and seems pretty easy so when I actually wanted to use it for a remodel of an old building I don't get any grid spacing even though it is tick marked it dialogue box and photo was original was not cropped/
Frustrating to say the least was when I played with photo match before I would get a grid.
Thanks for the help
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
Now that was funny sent to all email. Still laughing.
Switching to Mac
I'm a newbie well sorta to SU lets say intermediate and gotten in to designing houses and KT rendering and wanting to upgrade my PC, what I've been looking at runs about a grand or better + dual monitor video card. So my brother which is a big time Mac guy and runs security at a university has a Mac that he's willing to give me.
This it here and I was wondering if this configuration is going to work for SU as I have read on the forum here that some intel chipsets are having trouble with SU is this true. Thanks for the help.Walt