Here is my recent work, it had my attention for quite some time. It is part of the German airforce (Luftwaffe). Download via ink.
Eurofighter Typhoon
RE: Help....Please...
BTW, the group is called 'Group' and it's at the bottom of all objects names group.
RE: Help....Please...
@javixp said:
Same, in the outliner I don't find any "empty" group, I just opened Outliner and it worked.PhysicsGuy:
That's it! Simple Loft by Chris Fullmer! (That's the plugin that broke SP, I have this plugin too).Why did you repeat something Physicsguy already said. Anyway, outliner may have deleted that group (I believe it checks each one) due to it having nothing in it.
RE: Isolated Cabin
Wacov, that is amazing, you have some small bits here and there, but that render is amazing.
RE: Isolated Cabin
Wow, your clip maps are really great, i could'nt get mine that good!
Isolated Cabin
Here is my most realistic work yet.... i only have time for one image today, so...
RE: [Plugin] Simple Loft alpha 0.1b -- UPDATED May-15-09
Just to let you know, this plugin creates an empty group in every model, it may seem small, but SketchyPhysics (By Chris Phillips) Simply refuses to work with it.
RE: Help....Please...
JaViXP, go to Window>Outliner, and double-click all the objects names'Group', then, when you get to an empty one, click on the background to get the SP working
RE: Help....Please...
@javixp said:
I have the same issue, and I can only make my own models (not download)... CPhillips, maybe it is 'cause it isn't saved in the HDD, as I understood.
Chrome always saves and then opens.
RE: Help....Please...
I can make my own, but whenever i save or open a model, it does an error.
RE: Help....Please...
When i downloaded the controller commands, it worked, now though, SP just stopped working. and i use Chromium (By Google).
RE: Help....Please...
When i downloaded the controller commands, it worked, now though, SP just stopped working.
Help! Whenever i download any SketchyPhysics model, i get the following error, is it my computer or is something wrong?
My first animated render
Yes, i know it's not much, but it's my first
But can i please thanks Remus for the tip on Windows Movie maker, thanks.
RE: SketchyPhysics doesn't work!
@javixp said:
Yeah, the installer is pointed right, but SP doesn't load now. Look at the attachemented picture.
Why don't you try the .ZIP one?
Animation Help
Hello! This may not be the right place, but how do you turn seperate (101) rendered images into an animation? Thanks! (Please move this topic if necessary)