Is it possible?
RE: Zero mass?
It would also be useful to change state-in-a-script
if frame==350 then (change.state=="noMass");end;
RE: Timer variable to SPIV?
Else, if you want something to start at a frame then
if frame==350 then setVar("time",10);end;
Which means, after 350 frames, the timer will be set to 10.
RE: Timer variable to SPIV?
Pt this code somewhere...
if key("space")==1 then setVar("time",10);end;
That will set time to 10 on key space...
Put that in onTick with a rate of 30 frame. That will reduce time by 1 every second.
RE: Magnets question
@thrundar said:
I'm wondering if I need the paid for version of SU, with ruby and all that? SU stays running, it's that if I put in something wrong (blueish text area?), the UI doesn't fully open properly again.
I have Pro, but you don't need Pro, ruby is included in free. Window>Ruby console.
RE: Magnets question
Ask Chris Phillips. He is the creator of SP and should know.
RE: Magnets question
@thrundar said:
When I try to put any of that coding in the light blue box areas, the UI crashes
That is Weird
Are you sure you don't have an old computer? On my old Windows 98, my UI and SU always crashed.
RE: Magnets question
if key("space")==1 then setVar("mgnt",1000);getVar("mgnt");end;
Put that into the magnet box to keep it on.
RE: Magnets question
Well, i cannot take screenshots on my computer (Even with PRTSCRN) But, put that code into the box beside the magnet check box. Then check the check box.
RE: Magnets question
That will activate the magnet at a strength of 500 if the space bar is pressed
That will repel objects away.
For objects that you want to be affected by a magnet, open the UI and mark them as magnetic.
Hope this helps. -
RE: Implementing Script Problem
Thanks everyone, i used your help on this model
@cphillips said:
You can to that in SP3 with a bit of work. In onTick somwhere:
setVar("centerx",0.5+(key("h")?0.5;0.0)+(key("f")?-0.5;0.0)) > setVar("centery",0.5+(key("g")?0.5;0.0)+(key("t")?-0.5;0.0))
Then you can use this:
Implementing Script Problem
I need a script like
if frame==350 then run script [1,5,3,9,2,3,1,0][(frame/50)%50];end;
Anyone know the solution?
@unknownuser said:
You can do it now, it's just longer/more complicated.
I know, but in SPIV there could be something like
I've seen a few games using TFGH like WASD, could this be implemented in SPIV?
RE: Bullet collision detection
I have had that problem. I think you need to layer the collision.
RE: Varying With Key?
Nevermind, i found it anyway.
if key("up")==0 && key("down")==0 then setVar("thrust",1500);elsif key("up")==1 then setVar("thrust",500);elsif key ("down")==1 then setVar("thrust",-500);end;
Varying With Key?
Can a thruster be set to start at 1500 and with key("up") change to 500 and -500 from key("down")