@phy said:
Oh nothings working for me now
IT had been working. Put your other controllercommands in a safe place before installing.
Does it work for any of you?
Please, be proud of yourself, you have really outdone yourself! (And it works )
@phy said:
Oh nothings working for me now
IT had been working. Put your other controllercommands in a safe place before installing.
Does it work for any of you?
Please, be proud of yourself, you have really outdone yourself! (And it works )
I had the problem in Alpha 2, the thing i did was wipe my computer free of all operating systems, everything, and reinstalled EVERYTHING and then a Virus Scan and it worked fine.
Is there a way you can switch between following and tracking cameras like
if getVar("spacelatch")==1 then camera.track==box + camera.follow==box2;end;
Also, is there a way to get emitters to do more than one frame? I want some nice smoke effects for my space station model. Thanks!
@cphillips said:
@unknownuser said:
How would i go about changing a joint's geometry and appearance? Or texture?
Open the group and do whatever you want. As long as you dont change the axis the joint should still work as expected.
What would happen if i changed the axis
Here is mine. I finally got my Indigo working, I think the flame could be better. My 3rd render.
@hpnisse said:
I used this code in the 'ontick'
To start the "timer" press "A" (the SP Controll Panel must be visible and ontouched)
> if key("A")==1
> setVar("start",1)
> setVar("stop",0)
> end
> if getVar("start")==1
> setVar("time",getVar("time")+1)
> end
> if getVar("stop")==1
> setVar("start",0)
> end
The timer stops when the box is touched by the ball
and the timer also start again when you press "A" again.if you want to reset the timer every time you press "A" (or another key)
put this line into the 'ontick' at the third line before the first 'end'.
> setVar("time",0)
Hope this helps!:D
Thanks, but it is not want i want, i want something that starts at fraem 0 and then the timer stops like a stopwatch when the box is touched, so, that is useful, but not what i want.
I need the piston to stop, like a stopwatch after the visible box has been touched. Its for a racing game. Any ideas on how i can do it? (Everything in the .skp)
My Indigo gave me a great day to stop working
Anyone know the solution?
I don't think so, you can only enter raw ruby into the boxes. nothing like 0.5-getVar("accel")
Wacov made one for me, its not exactly what you want but....
if getVar("two")==0;
elsif getVar("repeat")==1;
if frame>getVar("time") && getVar("time")>300;
#What you want goes here
~Anyway, i've made a mario type game with SP2, used physical gears and ran too slow.
@unknownuser said:
Note: posted, not made.
[attachment=0:29d1zqy3]<!-- ia0 -->Canyon4.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:29d1zqy3]
MAN, is that seriously your car? GREAT CAR!
My first ever render, its a bit noisy, but i like it--Indigo