none of that works,
I can not get the viett onto the big monitor unless it is the "main display"
none of that works,
I can not get the viett onto the big monitor unless it is the "main display"
@fredo6 I told you in the previous reply I figures out the Limited Pallet size was because I had the Maximum number of icons for favorites set to 10 for some reason.
I'm still struggling with the Monitor connection. I cannot get the vignette strip to jump on my secondary monitor. un less it is made the "main display
I just saw that I had the default for new pallets set to 10 and not higher
Still fighting with the "make this my main window" in display setting. Still don't know how to adjust the "dots per inch setting" or DPI as referred by the girl in the previous reply.
@fredo6 I do have the stickiness tab checked
And When I create a new palette No matter what I do I am limited by the amount of plugins I can put into that new palette LOTT Prob.mp4
@fredo6 Nothing happens with the Ruby console for moving icons .
also the bigger problem is needing to make my external monitor the "main" monitor. This really screws up my laptop for when I'm not in my office
@FlorinAp I still don't see DPI settings for my windows machine
Nothing pops on the Ruby Console
And As of just recently I cannot add new tools to existing pallets. If i drag a tool from 1 pallet or even from the master palette it'll erase the nearest tool. So I cannot add new tools or adjust how my tools are set up anymore.
@FlorinAp I currently use and have tried tons of SU plug ins I have never seen this..
Where would I find The "DPI " settings on my windows machine are you talking about Resolution?
I'm have a tough time getting answerer regarding you products. Forgive me I'm new to using a public forum for customer service . I don't know how to message fredo directly please help.
I have tried several times to figure out why I cannot get LOTT to vignette to show up on my external monitor. (using SU 24 on windows laptop. and LG second monitor. ) In order to use LOTT on my big external monitor I need to make the 2nd screen my "main screen" with in the display settings. This allows the LOTt vignettes to travel off the laptops screen and into my work space of SU. this makes a ton of problems with other programs and my desktop is a mess when I'm working only on my laptop.
Forgive me but what is @fredo ? is that instgram or something
Hello, I have no Idea how to direct message Fredo.
1st Question: How do I DM Fredo for Help?
2nd Question: is the new lord of the tool bars update deal with the the fact that I need to set my external monitor as my "main screen" in order to work on in my large SU monitor. this is fine but when I go back to use my laptop on it on it own my desktop icons are a mess.
3rd Question : thrupaint and LOTT is not showing up on my Sketchucation my licence page.
Thru paint does not show up in "my licenses"
Why Does thrupaint keep asking me to validate my license? and I cant find my licensee file.
I tried the sticky button like you suggested I still need to go into my display settings and may my monitor my " main Monitor" other wise the vignette will remain stuck on my laptops screen
I replying to my own post. I discovered if you go into the "tool's Tab then "Fredo 6 Collection" then " Reset Vignette Stipe Position" the tools show up top dead center of the Screen. I wish more plugins had this feature. I am constantly losing dialog windows because i bounce between different monitors .
Sill unresolved is the need to make the main screen option. I still can not get the vignette to show up on my big monitor un less i go into display settings and "make this main display"
Does any on else have a major problem with Fredo lord of the toolbars and duel monitors? I came to terms with the fact that many SU plugins get lost when using multiple monitors. But i switched to a single monitor and my lap top. and lord of the tool bars is the only one that still is a pain. I need to make my external monitor the "main screen" in display setting just to have the vignette drag up to my big monitor off of my lap top I'm am still constantly losing the LOTB tools can any one help with this? any help with this I would appreciated.