OK, I know this is unlikely to get anywhere but here goes my 10 pence worth.
Clipping is a pita, is it possible to come up with a proper fix that we can all use to make it easier to zoom in to the smaller parts of models?
Zoom issues, is it likely that a fix can be made so zoom origin is locked to the model worked on at the time of zooming? I am aware the biggest problem here is that with an infinite workplane, the mouse will often lock on to a point way off the current focus. This will also improve the rotate around model feature and prevent this being a problem.
64 bit code. The usual reason applies here, issues of sketchup crashing the (usually) rendering program when a larger render is under way.
Arcs, curves, whatever you want to call them they have a habit of degenerating to lines which is a pain in the arris, can it be arranged so that this does not happen? If exploding a group or component it would be nice also, to chose whether curves are degenerated or left complete.
I am not saying these things to p155 folk off, I am trying to make suggestions to improve the product only. Please do not be over sensitive but instead take the requests on their merit. Thanks.
- Can we please have some more in depth cad tools with sketchup, an example is a good loft tool. I know there are ruby's out there but it would be nice if we could have some more cad tools of a higher standard that do not have to be tagged on like washing on a line. More consistency would help too.