Curviloft and arcs breaking up.
Do you mean the edges are exploded into their individual line segments? Or are you talking about something else?
When I am putting arcs in place, the arcs often degenerate into lines so I cannot select the arc, but must select each individual line. Driving me up the wall. Not even the nearest wall.
You can try Recurve plugin; select one segment right click, choose recurve in context menu, choose your option.
Note than it built or rebuilt curves so a exploded arc will be rebuilt as a curve not an arc.
Good ol' '
' from will recombine selected edges into 'a curve' after an arc gets 'exploded' - it's not as an arc though - nothing will do that, except redrawing the arc, and then only IF all extant segments are equal - but then for Curviloft [or EEbyRails etc] a 'curve' will suffice anyway... -
This explosion of curves (circles, arcs, polygons etc.) is a "feature" of any kind of extrusion (except PushPull) in SketchUp. If you use the Follow me tool, it does the same.
You can copy your arcs, perform plugin, then paste arcs back. May not always work, but a quick test in curviloft looks ok.
@mike amos said:
OK, I can get curviloft to create many of the shapes I want but the arcs I use keep degenerating into lines, how can I prevent this degeneration?
Be sure you check the right edge selection option. In the in the button palette, right to the message area (you have tooltips for the group of 6 buttons).
If you have the option "individual edges", then you will select edge by edge regardless whether the edges belong to a cuvreFredo
Fredo, I don't think he has a problem with selecting the edges, it's after you have used your fantastic plugin that what was once a welded curve becomes a series of individual edges.
In other words, curviloft automatically explodes curves, like all or perhaps most extrusion tools. -
@box said:
Fredo, I don't think he has a problem with selecting the edges, it's after you have used your fantastic plugin that what was once a welded curve becomes a series of individual edges.
In other words, curviloft automatically explodes curves, like all or perhaps most extrusion tools.Curviloft does not touch the original contour, just borrow the geometry (this is why you can select edges embedded in components).
However, if you explode the generated shape, the edges will be merged with the contour's ones.
There is however an option to generate the director curves of the shape as curves.Fredo
Just about the most frustrating thing about sketchup (IME) is the way curves seem to degenerate at will. I know, no intent, it's just a program. I would like to maintain the integrity of arcs or curves when I am drawing. The constant faffing about with degenerating elements like this is driving me up the wall. Just as I am getting somewhere the whole damn thing falls over and it seems totally absurd.
And breath?
No, not going totally off my head, just a really frustrating day and I know it is not going to get any better..........
Perhaps sketchup v 250 will be better in this respect...........
OK, broken the problem down, it is apparent that quite randomly, sketchup is breaking an arc (curve, whatever you want to call it) into its constituent lines. I know of the weld tool but frankly this is getting too much. Is there a way to stop this from happening or is it an inherrent sketchup problem? This occurs BEFORE I do anything else with the geometry.