Beautiful image indeed.
I don't see reflections of these warm lights on snow though. LOL
I ask too much?

RE: Christmas Image
RE: Model of Bedaux de Brouwer Architecten
I love these. Difficult to explain why.
Less is more, or SU raw looks always good. (in an artists hands)
Add a kind of spot lighting trick ( I always thought that google could do something) and some kind of fake reflection. Not here, on my wish list.
A trick is to "render a second pass" sun from the opposite / shadow casting off and combine in Ps as screen layer.This gives a GI look LOL.
This 2d feel, this comics like of raw export is precious.
Excellent compositions nickenzyme!
A merry christmas to you. -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
@unknownuser said:
20 pages in, lots has been said...any answer yet?
Did man create God?
It's obvious. Isn't it ?
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
@unknownuser said:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
What about the other dead, the no christian souls that walk in these caves-rocky galleries around the river Styx, all these chinese, indians, muslims, buddhists, etc etc, having the company of dead dogs, cats, monkeys, lions ... they cannot pass the river? Because they never heard about Jesus or any son of god?This isn't the meaning of course. Perhaps is that others saw and listened the Word of god otherwise... they may not perish then. God has many ways. Or men have many ways to find god. To find a purpose in the creation. To find love. To accept death. To make space for new births.
They won't, the huge majority of men.
So, a community will always be a field of war.
Here another long living truth. War.
I can't say that a merciful god made another miracle, the only I know for sure.
How to convert war to peace.
It may be the miracle of men after all. It is called pure democracy and IMO is the only thing that changed the world of men. It made us individuals.
These days, many among us believe that it was an utopia. The "creator" of free minded men, it's an utopia...BTW This egg story is funny. Around 1970-1980 there were 'scientists' that tried to convince mediterranean people like greeks that olive oil was full of cholesterol and terrible for our health. Some business on corn oil imports.
These all aren't scientists. They are doctors. Have you tried to have a nice conversation with one of them, ever? Like the one we have here. -
RE: What has cost over 65,000 lives and $1trillion?
How many lives, the economical chaos that's coming, will cost?
I'm not trying to be smart also, just asking.
What happened in Iraq is ridiculous.
Should we remember the nonsenses of Mr Brair and Mr Bush?
I recommend to forget them. As they never existed. They didn't. I like to be as bad as possible here. No mercy! Delete them. -
RE: [Plugin] OBJexporter v3.0 20130131
Just use blender. No need lo learn anything. Just import the obj/edit mode/[W key]/delete double vertices. exit edit mode and export. This will weld all vertices automatically. It's also useful to convert objs to 3ds for nice SU import.
To eliminate non manifolds/inner faces is more difficult. The ruby plugin works in most cases. -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
All these on the first day
because on the sixth... he bought a license of Zbrush. Things became complicated. -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
Can you imagine a multi dimensional SU? A curved space.
Some seem to believe that god created the universe working on SU. -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
@unknownuser said:
God did not exist before the Universe, as the distance and time of the universe is infinite.
God may be infinite. Books say so. But distance and time of the known universe isn't infinite. It doesn't look so. If I'm not mistaken, this is the front argument. The hidden one is IMO about death and "the meaning of life" you say. No, the purpose of creation / existence I say. Is there any?
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
@unknownuser said:
We evolved from beast to man the moment we invented beer (which apparently was thousands of years before we invented bread)
I may visit Texas, I mean it!
That's the spirit...
Because we're spiritual creations. And the spirit needs some spirit. Occasionally. -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
@unknownuser said:
The rise of man from the apes came when they started buried their dead. It was not logic that made us humans. Logic is only a small part of man as a whole...and the whole is not only in this body and life. This is a crucial feeling that animals don't have, but human does... Some apes can do math, but can't look up.
Eh... this ape was already a man somehow. A Neanderthal probably, who knows.
The rise of civilized man came when he discovered castration of cattle. He became a farmer. Maybe man's mind went further...
Unfortunately this didn't happen in pro Colombian America.Such quotes are just quotes, they are expressions of our thoughts and feelings. Nothing more, though there's some truth on these.
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
@unknownuser said:
God did not create the universe, it is the universe and the universe is god.
If god is the universe then who/what created god-universe?
Boofredlay's example on love is great.
Who created time? Universe? Existence?
Why? What's the purpose?
Who created "My" God? Why I exist?
Do I have a soul?
In a universe that everything is living and dying, to make space for a new birth, is there anything immortal?
There's probably a death, hidden behind the birth of the universe and scientists will find it, sooner or later.
Or... this bigbang created death... which is equal.
I have strong evidences on this.Once again.
We're talking about the purpose of the existence.
About god, immortality, life.
Avoiding the word death,
Let's talk about love then, is it immortal? Who cares. Is love just a warm feeling? We can't live without it. Can we?
It's the only think we can do, after all. That's the spirit.What frightens me?
"for the people made their recollection fit in with their sufferings..."
By Thucydides 431 BC -
RE: [Plugin] OBJexporter v3.0 20130131
@unknownuser said:
My guess is that the vertices are not welded.
Exactly. I checked it. When removing double vertices in blender they become welded.
Here a simple skp and the exported tt.obj, a welded in blender obj and a converted to quads one.Same not welded issue is happening to collada exports too (1.4)
For compatibility with zbrush, use these parameters under import palette.
My wish could be this:
Close holes (make mess waterproof) / Remove innerfaces(non manifolds) / weld vertices / export obj
No SU textures / UVs.
I can do this manually of course.
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
Utiler, between you and God only. Not your God. This between/only is more than enough.
Actually, it's the second time I post it, A Wittgenstein's quote. Not mine.
In my opinion:
All this debate here is about this question: Is there a purpose in the universe?
IMO, it isn't about who/what created everything. In any case, it seems that universe is created from nothing, before the existence of time.
But, do we find a purpose in this universe? Do we find a purpose in our existence? Is this what we call "spirit/soul"? In the end, is this what christians call it "Word"?
Here, I have a little problem. Reading the first lines from the Gospel of John. Originally written in greek language, so Logos is translated as Word.
I'm not sure how right this is... maybe. -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
What I've noticed on this thread:
Some people act like having the obligation to declare their faith. That's too bad... tooooo bad. Sorry.
Please, make sure that your religion is a matter between you and God only. -
RE: [Plugin] OBJexporter v3.0 20130131
I use this plugin a lot. Thank you tig so much. The only other solution is to use SU pro just for the obj exporter.
Colada with all the tricks isn't that good.
I use to export obj to lot of apps.
What is happening, and lot of apps confirm it is that this plugin exports double vertices.
Impossible to handle them in zbrush or 3dcoat or elsewhere as it is.
What I do is to import in blender / edit mode / delete doubles.Or for a perfect export:
I use the remove inner faces plugin first of all.
Export to blender / remove doubles / recalculate normals outside. (for this last one, inner faces or better non-manifolds shouldn't exist)Textures? Let's forget it, actually I don't need them as going for UV decent mapping.
So a question, why double vertices? Is it a double faces SU textures-related problem? Is it possible to have a check to avoid them?
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
"How many roads must a man walk down?"
@unknownuser said:
Not having had the opportunity to read "Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe"
It's never too late.
RE: Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi) FanArt Project
One of the best threads I've seen around. WOW
Beautiful work!!!!!
@ solo , please watch this movie! Not an anime, not just this. A masterpiece! -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
Why this animated gif, that 'simon le bon' posted in another thread, why does it remind me what we're all trying to say here?
Great animation IMO. Thank you simon.