RE: Internet Blackout to oppose SOPA
@escapeartist said:
I must disagree again. Politicians do not get a percentage of taxes as a bonus, so there is no inherent reason for them to view lost taxes as a personal loss should they be reduced or lost.
They do have the "rights" to do this, they were elected to do this and could change the laws as needed to do what they wish. We the people are ignorant of the process due to the complexity of the political system and the difficulty of obtaining clear and concise information about how these events affect us.
They are slaves to the corporate money that pays their campaign financing.
"Politicians do not get a percentage of taxes as a bonus, so there is no inherent reason for them to view lost taxes as a personal loss should they be reduced or lost." and then this follows "They are slaves to the corporate money that pays their campaign financing."
As for the rest, I suggest you to read the constitution. You have some kind of constitution in your country, right?
RE: Internet Blackout to oppose SOPA
@unknownuser said:
The government (aka congressmen,) are motivated by ONE thing. TAXES. They cannot collect taxes on music, movies, books, etc., (either sales or inventory tax,) for items that don't pass over the sales counter (either physical or virtual.)
Agreed, though it means something deeper. To steal all your money, your bank account, your home, your life. Your freedom by all means!
They don't listen, these people are elected by people, right? They don't represent voter's will. Such politicians are criminals of the worst kind. But I don't say IMO here. Just read the constitution of any democratic community-country you like. Carefully please!
I noticed, more and more people, these days, mentioning that democracy is a failure or something. Here comes the judgment day. Good luck to all of us.
It's just happening in 2012 and this makes me nervous
Make your voice louder, these politicians should start feeling this well known "fear". Fear of people, fear of god. Both are equally fine for me.
Sorry for the language barrier, I hope I made it clear enough.@EscapeArtist, this could explain the motivations of some politicians. This wasn't my point. They Do Not Have the rights to do this.
RE: Economic Crisis - some advantages?!
I see, it'sthe english language barrier.
Let's try this one. An old lady, -
RE: Economic Crisis - some advantages?!
@Mike Lucey
If we can't save ourselves, we expect god to do this?
What is god? Our flexible creation of a father or something?
What is a shame?
Better. What means "acknowledged disgrace"? -
RE: The Art of SketchUp - part 1: Fantasy
What is so wow on this image? Another rather expected boring vue render.
Otherwise, this artwork, this modeling, is excellent. As expected from this gifted artist. -
RE: Art by Orgelf + Kargall :)
You have to be a french to participate in suck a project?
Bravo, to both of you!!!! -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
You keep talking on this pointless conversation.
Avoiding answer my comments or some other's ones.
Still egoists all of you, still believing in your personal god.
Nothing weird here. Just predictable.
But when we're talking about God, I really don't care about how your personal god looks like. It's you and You only.
Especially Pete, who seems that he's the only true believer here. lol
But remember, we're trying to communicate. We're just human beings, alone, under a vast world.
My experience shows me that some architects and constructors are the most egoists I've met.
The equivalent of the great architect of the universe or something similar.
Good luck to all of us. -
RE: Trinity College Notebook by Isaac Newton
I remember a deferent image though.
RE: Trinity College Notebook by Isaac Newton
But, how he did learned to write so perfect greeks?
I doubt if he could communicate with greeks in this ~1600. Lot of great greek men tried hard to clean this language since then. We came with a "kathareusa", a non vivid form of language that was trying to clean the greek language of 1700. All these greeks "scientists" came from european schools. An image that became true. More or less. We talk this language today, in greece, our politicians too, so, see what's happening. Nothing close to Thucydide's history or Homers poets
Though it's the most ancient language that is still alive. Without significant changes. -
Trinity College Notebook by Isaac Newton
Well, english is a difficult language for me.
To read Newton's notes back in 1660, this could be a challenge.
Surprise, I can understand this language. LOL
Oh my, this is my language.
And believe me, these are perfect greeks! How is this possible? -
RE: Art by Kargall
Kargall, stay focused! You gonna love cycles. I know how to make it non realistic. I'm sure that glossy materials is your problem mostly. Some great tricks here that actually speed render time. As not visible elements, not visible shadows, or shadow only, caustics that aren't real and time consuming etc etc. Stay focused. Blenderartists forum / blender tests / cycles is a good resource for now. It's still an alpha app. But it's developing faster than expected.
RE: Chose your deckchair
@unknownuser said:
the first one. if it comes with a parasol and someone else sitting on the next chair
Agreed except... why sitting on the next chair? If you mean what I mean then 3,4 look more comfortable.
RE: Art by Kargall
Kargall's work is always amazing. A very serious 3d artist.
@fabiorossi, there isn't much difference on BIender internal engine till bl 2.49. Only environment lighting is added (and any GI experimental solution is gone)
Keep focused on cycles development, soon it will fully replace the old engine. It actually changes the Blender UI, the way you assign textures, the UV editor etc. A UI capable for great integration to other commercial engines as well. -
RE: Ski Cabin
Yes a bigger image, Hi sid, you read ski and here you're.
I like it a lot. There's a window with something blurred interior, a little confusing.
Trees on background don't look great. The whole background isn't the best. -
RE: Audi r8
Cycles is a modern render engine, a 2011 development. It still is alpha. Not all futures there, but I love it already.
You have to wait a few more months, yes development of blender is fast.
This last video doesn't show much. Yes, coordinates/windows projection, this probably goes for reflections.
You have to see and understand the superb nodes system to understand.
Here's a link to a small tut of me, in sculptris forum but shows what window projection means for textures. Nothing fancy but bumps are superb in cycles. We're going for micro displacements BTW, soon.
http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?143454-My-beta-testing-doodles&p=917407&viewfull=1#post917407 -
RE: Hans zimmer is unmatched simply
Jaws theme? Here... the best soundtrack in the history of cinema?
prokofiev's alexander nevsky
http://youtu.be/yDLYO5KA3DQHans Zimmer's work on Inception is one of his best IMO.
RE: Did Pixologic create the universe?
I'm not sure Pilou, let's wait a few more days.
RE: Audi r8
In blender/edit mode/select all[A]/[W] menu/remove doubles. How many removed? this welds these vertices.
No, we're not talking about different software. The whole community noticed this. SU exports non welder vertices. -
RE: Audi r8
Exporting using what?
- you own the pro version
- you use the free ruby obj exporter.
- a third party on line method.
In any case vertices aren't welded. You can't apply smoothing.