Your avatar image is one of the best I've seen Pilou.
But new zb fibers modifier is something different. An instances maker?
RE: Did Pixologic create the universe?
RE: Audi r8
Something like this?
It was some fast render, just experimental.
I can't search for what you're asking now, there lot of fine examples. Not possible for blender internal engine anyway.
Neither your car image is archivis scene so, here's mine, using cycles. my question is this.
Do we have a decent way to export SU projects to blender? With textures or without them.
I know much about it but 'decent' means something else -
RE: The Commodore 64 is 30!
Thirty years passed.
And still, under excel virtual Basic language, for having some decent random results, the command is 'randomize timer' or similar.
And still, this will mess the clock of your computer if it's gonna be a loop or something.
Not much changed during these 30 years. Speed only.
cheers. Long live commodore. Long live amstrad. Long live z80 or 8086 CPU. -
RE: Audi r8
@unknownuser said:
Yes I know the potential of cycles which is essentially a rendering in real time
Not exactly. Developers of cycles are sitting on a goldmine software. Cycles is a real time preview renderer but it's also a physically correct engine (essential for animation). On extreme settings is not fast either. But can handle cuda (GPU) and is fast enough. Much faster than kerky based solutions.
Blender internal isn't fast at all, neither supports GI. Not good for archi vis, maybe some exteriors and still not great.BTW shinny materials in cycles are superior. The best around.
RE: Audi r8
Very nice. Indeed.
So, you're following blender development. But you didn't try cycles?
Cycles is what you're asking and go for this. My advice.
Now, you may think that it's still alpha and you can't combine a hdri this way. It's possible though. Have a look here.
A very nice animation/test and an excellent video tut.
cheers.BTW if you're facing problems on how to export SKP to blender, please fill free to ask me.
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
Some Alberto Giacometti's quotes.
Life is only an abyss.
I no longer understand anything about life, about death, about anything.
Art is only a way of seeing. Whatever I may look at, everything is beyond me, everything surprises me. I don’t exactly know what I am seeing. It’s too complex.
It’s impossible to do a thing the way I see it because the closer I get the more differently I see it.
The human face is as strange to me as a countenance which, the more one looks at it, the more it closes itself off and escapes by the steps of unknown stairways.
I paint and sculpt to get a grip on reality… to protect myself.
The more I work the more I see things differently, that is, everything gains in grandeur every day, becomes more and more unknown, more and more beautiful. The closer I come, the grander it is, the more remote it is.
Artistically I am still a child with a whole life ahead of me to discover and create. I want something, but I won’t know what it is until I succeed in doing it.
All I can do will only ever be a faint image of what I see and my success will always be less than my failure or perhaps equal to the failure.
It was always disappointing to see that what I could really master in terms of form boiled down to so little.
Basically, I no longer work for anything but the sensation I have while working.
RE: New meshmixer for pc or mac OS 64 bit
Meshmixer 7 (22 Dec) Pilou. Right? I missed something?
RE: Blade Runner concept sketch book now online!
That's a gift for the new year, yes?
Thank you so much, a happy new year to all.
Awesome. -
RE: Some of my works
Bonne année orgelf
I became a fun of your work, the more you post the more happy I feel.
BTW wonderful cycles renders. -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
Of course logic doesn't matter here!
But we're still talking. Out of logic. Out of the Word! Out of Logos>logic. I already warned you but who's listening.
What an inconsistency is this, please tell me.
RE: Downtown Cancer Center
Wonderful images.
I'm a fun of raw exports + Ps treatment method.
This doesn't mean that some work gonna take place. But I like what happens in the end,
Not the same for interiors of course. How difficult it could be for google to implement a point light as the SU sun...
Congratulations, well done!!!! -
RE: Rat Bird
In fact, I prefer the SU model than the original concept. On the original one there's some inconsistency on shading. Repeated same tonal solutions that don't represent the volumes well. A UV editor could add a lot on this fine model.
RE: Did Pixologic create the universe?
For hair, of course. But it's rather for previewing characters, most apps have their own particles system for the job.
For plants not so. Watch carefully, not so easy in this video LOL. It looks like a clever implementation. -
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
Oh my
The first image. I worked dealing with a server, exactly like this. Ten years ago.
RE: Did Pixologic create the universe?
Everybody in zbrushcentral is ready for a wolfman character now, the days of zombies and baldy muscular guys are ending.
Better start visiting zbcentral. Lot of hair the next two three months.
I'm in the middle of a three baldy characters project... -
RE: Did Pixologic create the universe?
Though, there's something common in these two apps (ZB SU)
Completely different UI, yes, some hard time to learn the ZB UI for a SU user, yes, but both apps have a spontaneous way to approach this 3d thing. Making any other app around to look like nonsenses. Which isn't true of course. But... you may think otherwise.
Now it's time for a good tutorial, on how to export friendly to zb SU meshes. Don't expect a tut on how to import some millions of faces to SU. -
Did Pixologic create the universe?
Zbrush is a brilliant application. Always close to an artists needs. Watch the video, especially the last part. -
RE: World Political & Religious Discussions
@unknownuser said:
Easy to see why some sites ban political and religious discussions after reading through both postings. Seems as if more was revealed of the individuals posting, than the subjects at hand.
Not so easy to see. Don't be dramatic. It's just a democratic forum. More or less. Not like some others you may have in mind.
"But all this ease in our private relations does not
make us lawless as citizens. Against this fear is our chief safeguard,
teaching us to obey the magistrates and the laws, particularly such as
regard the protection of the injured, whether they are actually on the
statute book, or belong to that code which, although unwritten, yet
cannot be broken without acknowledged disgrace."
By Thucydides 431 BC -
RE: Did a God or Gods create the universe? EDITED
Pete, santa an atheist?
The story of santa is interesting.
It's St Nicholas but became more complicated in the north countries
Became complicated in mediterranean countries too.
More complicated in US, in 30s even more as cocacola used this kind figure.
Now, from the fun sculptris forum challenge "holly cow, santa was an alien" I present you my vision - entry. Have fun, not a nightmare.
Merry christmas earth people...