i'm glad i could help
this might be of help - i thought it might be a gas tanker because of the volume and the shape - have been searching.
i think it is the GATX96500 - 63.000 gallons - the kind of payload is not given
Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tank_carthere is a similar looking tanker - for ethanol - 50.000 gallons.
(image under the first link on the page)hope this helps
merry christmas to you too.
- if you have images of the stickers/decals on this one it is maybe possible to determine what it is used for.
these are fabulous models, i enjoyed the beauty and the details a lot!
(one small remark: you cannot put two 20' containers on top of a 40') -
RE: Making a horn using Shape Bender
i don't know if this will help, but i bent a house and got the same (and extra) problems. after exploding everything (bomb all) and making it a group again, it worked without any trouble.
Amsterdam buildings
for quite some time now i am planning to draw a piece of amsterdam in sketchup. drawing of the buildings is not so very difficult, just a lot of work, and i have rather detailed drawings to work from. apart from that there are quite a lot of photos from different sources.
one of the problems is that most of the old canal houses are not built exactly vertical, these bend over. that is not, as often thought because of bad foundation. these buildings were built that way on purpose to protect the facade from rain.
thanks to the great plugins by fredo6 i think i can build it much more realistic - for the left building i used 'radial bending' just to try out. at first that did not work properly, but after i used 'intersect with model' for the building it worked perfectly!
these are two buildings on the 'prinsengracht'
Moebius band
with thanks to fredo for his great plugin, i could not have made this image without it.
RE: Silent crashes
don't know if this belongs here, but since i use su7 i have a crashing prog time and again - it has nothing to do with extremely complicated or large files. it happens when using different tools or not using anything at all, even when closing a file. i reinstalled su7 but the problem is not solved - bug splashes all over, which i never had in su6.
any ideas, someone? -
RE: Irritating components search
thanks remus, i think i'll go back to su6 unless i find a work around.
Irritating components search
merry christmas to all!
this is not a real bug, but i don't know where to post it.
in sketchup 7 there is a very irritating automatic search in the component window. is there a way to disable this 'great improvement'? i hardly ever use components and i do not want to go for a search in the warehouse anyway. every time i click on one of the subjects it tries to go on line (which i do not want) and i have to sit it out till i am informed that it could not access the internet. i know that - none of my progs go walking in cyberspace unless i want them to.
i also have trouble to find the few components i sometimes use (like a tree now and then) and adding it.adding and saving textures to the materials windows is also a puzzle. i finally replaced the materials folder of su7 by the su6 one, which seems to work, saving at least the ones i had.
could someone please help?
RE: Even stoom afblazen ...
nee hoor, ik schaam me helemaal niet, het heeft me een vermogen aan scheercreme, scheermesjes en andere parafernalia gescheeld (ik denk dat ik me voor dat bedrag wel een slecht/niet werkend programma zou kunnen veroorloven [het had jou nu waarschijnlijk de hongerdood bespaard
]). hem nu afscheren zou volgens mij een identiteitscrisis veroorzaken, ik zou mezelf niet meer herkennen!
je hebt wel gelijk wat het handhaven van archaische materialen betreft! ik gebruik ook nog altijd potloden en papiertjes en ik schrijf mijn brieven nog altijd met de pen.@kwistenbiebel: vesalius? zijn studiemateriaal overleefde zijn drang naar kennis toch ook niet?
RE: Even stoom afblazen ...
wijs weet ik niet, zal het eens vragen aan mensen die zo tegenkom - slordig in elk geval, hoor het steeds van mijn vrouw.
het electronische gedeelte van een rekenlineaal zit in het hoofd van de gebruiker, dus het demonteren van het ding heeft weinig zin (ik kan het demonteren van het hoofd niet aanraden, dit stuit op maatschappelijke weerstand) -
RE: Even stoom afblazen ...
gelukkig dat het nog niet helemaal vergeten is
ik gebruik trouwens ook nog altijd mijn rekenlineaal.