Thanks for the tip Jeff. Been banging my head for the past hour trying to fix these callouts. Grouping worked. I should always know to check here first!!
Th only options are
to click on the object you want to orbit around with the wheel (sometimes you may need to pan into a better position for this) and to use the Alt key to temporar get rid of "gravity" orbiting.
Remus, sometimes you should read more carefully. (<-Wicked wink)
Ken probably knows how to assign shortcuts - what he is aking is how to import them!
(Sorry Ken - I have no ida, I'm on PC)
Are you printing straight from SU or are you creating an image file from the model first?
I suggest you create a image file (Jpeg) and then you can check the text size on the image
"Add hideen layer" is an indispensible script for adding section cuts when multiple Scene/Page views exist. One of the most useful additions. Thanks Jim
Then there is the CentrePoint plugin from Smustard that will create a guide point for you.
Select the circle, Plugins -> Set center point, then dimension to the guide point.