Not doen any renders yet, just had a quick look around a model. When I do I will mail you

RE: Video Card Upgrade
RE: Personalise 3D model Descriptions
I am so gonna be sending you a list of demands to forward on over the coming years lol
RE: Personalise 3D model Descriptions
Hi Gaieus
Figured as much. That is a bit annoying. My cunning plan was to offer a nice personalisation service for any models I make for clients. Especially handy if their building sits in the middle of a busy city or town with lots of models already there. I don't suppose you know if there is a way to contact and ask Google directly about things like this. The more interactive GE gets the more attractive it becomes to the Facebook crowd.
Personalise 3D model Descriptions
OK guys I have another question which I hope someone can help with.
Is there a way to personalise the tagged information associated with a 3D model I have on the 3D layer in GE. For example if I go to Disney Land in GE and click any of the 3D buildings I get fancy html scripted information bubbles pop up as opposed to the basic one that I have. I tried inserting html information into the info section within 3D warehouse, but got nothing but shitty code showing.
Hope there is a way
RE: Layering GE pluggin in website
It is official. I hate web design. I am too much of an idiot. First of all thanks for the advise. Much, much appreciated. Unfortunately I am struggling to get the code to do as it is told. I shall prevail though (cough cough, sob sob)
RE: Video Card Upgrade
Had a mess about with Lumion and it is much much faster than before. Good times
RE: Increasing Curve Segments on a scaled oval circle
Just found these replies from my earlier posting back in January. Sorry I did not see them and I apologise for not thanking you all.
RE: Video Card Upgrade
Thanks guys.
As for "each card is like $3k or $4k" damn I would expect the computer to do the drawings itself having just fetched me a cup of tea
Seriously tho, I think I might have been a bit harsh on my new set up. It is amazing how demanding we CAD people are. I just downloaded an older model that gave my computer a hard time and the new set up was pretty smooth in comparrison.
I think you are on to something with the harddrive. Just ran the windows test thingy and the harddrive dragged my average right down.
Layering GE pluggin in website
Hi guys. I am NOT a website designer so am not sure if this should be posted on a dreamweaver forum or here. I was very pleased with myself when I managed to embed a GE window into my site. I have however got a problem with layering. I have been round all the various google forums and have found nothing.
The code I am using is something like this;
<iframe width="950" height="410" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src=",10.729909&spn=0.009196,0.033023&t=m&z=16&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href=",10.729909&spn=0.009196,0.033023&t=m&z=16&source=embed" style="color;#0000FF;text-align;left"></a></small>
The code works fine apart from the fact that the GE window always remains at the front, even when I have images opening larger on the screen using a "light box"
The best example is on this page!prettyPhoto
I am losing the will to live trying to solve this problem. Help would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Video Card Upgrade
I am using an older version of V-Ray.
And did I read that right. 1 Processor!!!! geesh
RE: Video Card Upgrade
I have been working on some big files in Sketchup and my poor computer was dying on its ass. I decided to bite the bullet and buy a new fancy graphics card. Did my research then ended up buying the GTX 680 last week (literally came out the day I ordered it.) When it arrived in its fancy box I was mortified to discover the bloody thing was too big for my case. Obviously I bought a new case. At the same time it seemed like a smart move to get a new PCi 3 mother board, the i7 2700 and 16gb Ram. When that little lot arrived I set about with tepidation, building my new PC (never done it before).
Now you would think that with these kind of specs I would be looking at turbo charged Sketchup 8. However I swear I can see little to no speed increase in either Sketchup or rendering. Either I am a complete idiot and plugged everything in wrong or Sketchup is not fully compatible with the new gear.
I am at a slight loss as to how I spent so much money for what seems like so little return
On a plus side the PC looks nice
Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong much appreciated.
RE: Commodore Amiga is back
Damn I just spent a ton of cash on upgrades on my current PC. An Amiga would have been a throw back to my late teens. I loved my late teens. Damn Damn Damn!!!
RE: CatchUp Edition 7
Nice one guys. Enjoyed the read and look forward to the next one.
RE: Increasing Curve Segments on a scaled oval circle
I thought you were going to say that. Thanks for the quick response. Looks like I am redrawing the sections again (boo hoo)
Increasing Curve Segments on a scaled oval circle
Hi Guys. I have spent hours trying to work this one out and I am officially stuck. I really do not want to redraw a bunch of stuff again. So here is my question.
I drew an oval by originally starting with a circle that I then stretched into an oval using the scale tool. When I went to render I was not happy with the curve so I went into "entity info" then segments. When I tried to input a greater number I was unable to change the info in the box.
Any Ideas would be most welcome
RE: Minas Tirith Rebuild
I have been wandering the forums for a while now and so glad I stumbled onto this little (Ha Ha) project. Mightily impressed
RE: What's your beginners tip?
Hello Everyone
I am very new to this Sketchup world, but I have 2 tips narrowed down from 2000.
Make sure you have a very clear idea of what you want to achieve with a drawing. Have the Endgame in mind at all times. Don't do a me and get distracted by overcomplicating a drawing. If you are designing something archtiectural that exists in the real world make damn certain you have decent photos to work from, from the start. Its really annoying having to go back to take more, not to mention photomatching at the end of a design is just downright depressing lol.
Learn the Lingo. As with any new piece of software what you think some operation, action or effect should be called and what it is really called and what other people call it are often different things. I forget how many times I have rumaged about youtube, typing in all sorts of keywords to only stumble upon what I wanted to learn by accident way after the fact. From what I can tell, everything I want to do with sketchup is possible, it is only me that does not know how to do it and importantly what its bloody called.
RE: [Plugin] CleanUp
I am very new to Sketchup (1st week) and also one of those annoying people that never says thanks on forums. I plan on being neither from now on. So on that note many thanks for the cleanup script