Hot spots, Over head bulb picking the hot spots too much.
Book bulbs too large. I was trying to exaggerate them and triy to play with
emitters, opacity and material. I failed.
RE: Rendering challenge?
RE: Rendering challenge?
I expect the lamps will diffuse through the surface with very subtle hot spots
Would be more realistic with hot spots.
Having trouble getting it right though.
Easy to get page top to give light but giving it a translucent look with some hot spots is the key.
Working on it. -
RE: First project of 2013
Those legs look really fragile. Are they sturdy?
Is there a way of adding support w/o hurting the look? -
RE: Will pay for rendering help
Wow! Been waitin for your cars in a old station. Nice start.
I have a suggestion. Others here might not agree but I suggest Twilight.
It is the little brother of Kerkythea.
They are deveolped by the same team once . Twilight is very easy & powerful. The best part you can send files to Kerlythea and use all Kerkythea textures.
Te leaning curve is short, great tute and you can leverage that knowledge as you p[rogress.Seen some great work by people on this site. Just learning myself.
Remember some nice work by Solo way back. -
RE: Fiat Punto MK2a (picture heavy)
Real nice work.
Hopefully this will inspire hellnbak to start some great renders SOON! -
RE: Can't delete materials
I still have the problem. Can't delete, just greys out.
That line color thingy might be it.
Will do a test and change all line.
This sucks though! -
RE: Can't delete materials
Had this problem all week. It has to be more then just amount of textures though,
Tried with large file with many textures, slow but I get delete .
Another file, less textures & smaller, I gave had ti give up on kept,greying out forever.
Wish there was away that you could edit the file and delete them with an editor. -
RE: Restoration Hardware
Nice job. Not sure about leather texture. See light patches on it. Like the lighting.
RE: A chair I'm happy to merely model
Very nice clean model, thanks very much.
RE: [Plugin] TIG-Smart_offset
Ditto. Fix the core! Can't even fix the Icon scramble, how hard can that be?
RE: Light areas in shadows
Did you try tuning off the sun? Is the separate instance SU's sun set the same?
Construction Concerto
Piano by negal183 from, 3ds cleaned up for SU.
Textured & rendered in Twilight Easy 9 (no caustics) 3 hrs. Still needs more time.
HDR background, some emiiters (Too much),!
Love the Velvet pack from this site on seat!
Piano semms grey but is rendered 95% black. Went to piano sites and they photo dark gey also.