I use Design Spark PCB mostly for Electronic design. Played with this a little. Seems very good for mechanical type stuff...enclosures, metal work....
RE: DesignSparkMechanical Vx
Eagle meets Sketchup
Not for everybody but more for product design
Eagle meets SketchUp
turn your Eagle layouts into 3D models
Eagle meets SketchUp (eagleup.wordpress.com)
RE: Model for Rendering Samples - Green Dragon
@box said:
I'm not a fan of Green....
Twilight Render, medium preset.
Default Realistic Glass material
HDRI from the Sketucation Store Studio pack.Nice. May I ask your TW settins?
Never can get SSS correct -
RE: [Plugin] 3D Parametric Shapes - makes placeable components
Nice. I'll wait till in Plug-in store.
RE: XnView - SOLVED (kind of)
Happened to me when I uodated to newest Version XNVIEW.
Had MP64 & SStandard- MP 64 version worked on all before now nada.
XNVIEW would show SKP & SKB, 3DS & Obj.
Now will show only SKP not SKB & 3DS.
MP version shows 3ds & Not SKP or SKB.
BUt old files show new SKP show sometimes.
That AutoCad ref has been there forever. -
RE: Can I have a Gripes & Bitchin' for Su 2014 thread?
@jason_maranto said:
Bonzai 3D is current on special for $150 off regular price:
This could be a good time to make the switch for people looking to do so.
Jason.Hasn't been updated for a loooong time.
Check blog, support sucks! -
RE: SpaceClaim for 3D Printing
[quote="Pilou"][url=http://www.punchcad.com/p-27-viacad-2d3d-v9.aspx][u]Try Viacad 2d/3D V9
Interesting but Only 64 BIT for MAC.
Don't see coupon though. -
RE: Can I have a Gripes & Bitchin' for Su 2014 thread?
An announcement 6 months ago that SU 2014 was going to adopt RUBY 2.0 would have had tragic consequences how?
RE: XnView and SKP thumbnails
@ben ritter said:
XnView used to be able to display thumbnails of skp files. I have version XnView MP v0.61 and there is no such display anymore.
Anyone know if it's still possible?
I had both on my PC. Both worked until update.
Now MP shows 3DS and Standard doesn't.
Standard shows SKP & SKB old file but takes days to creat new ones after save.
MP doesn't
HDRs show for old fies but not nes. Then eventually appear.
Note: Noticed i XNVIEW open when I have SU open and I save a large file it causes problem such as creating a 0.skp file name, 1.skp...
Sent report but no fix.
Don't recomend keeping open if rendering either. -
RE: SketchUp 2014
@krisidious said:
Still tiny ass thumbnails in components and material browsers... what the hell people?
Still no improvements to how to print as in the 21st century.
Adjust the window to size of print/scale??? Really?