What makes SU one of the best modeler is not the capacity of making complex forms, but its easy to use, intuitive interface.
1.- I suggest Google should focus in 3 things
Make a excellent platform for 3d Modeling so ruby scripters and coders can make fast and powerful dinamic and specialized tools. Make it Opensource!
2.- Integrate real time lights, animations, and reflections, don't need to be perfect but to make it a nice preview (leave perfection for render engines)
But keeping the nice workflow it already has.
3.- Concentrate efforts to take the 3D to the web once and for all.
Integrate a powerful 3D viewer native to Goole Chrome and in Goole Gadgets for Firefox and other web browsers. So the web end user can view a webpage and interact as freely as posible (for example make it possible for end users activate Dynamic Components in webpages).
The 3D warehouse and Google earth is just a start. If google can transform web pages into 3D showrooms it would bust online sales as clients can better know the product they are looking at).
Make sketchup the new tool to make 3D showrooms 3D Adds and 3D webpages
Google Keep the good work